The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What's the big fat hairy deal about a guy, his wife and their eight kids anyway?

Hey man, I seem have a hard time understanding a lot of things.
I mean I get the facts of a situation, sometimes though , no matter how hard I try, I just don't and can't get the why.
Here's what I mean.
You ever watch Cops?
Is it just me or does the crook NEVER get away? My question is then, "Why do they run?", I mean do they think they are going to be faster than the radio and the helicopter? Are they going to be the first ones this year to successfully elude the police, baggy pants and all? Why didn't somebody tell them they needed to watch this show. I mean If you are a criminal or have criminal tendencies, you need to know that most of the time (what?? 95 %) When the cops start chasing you, you ain't getting away. Factually they probably know they can't get away, yet when faced with capture, they run? This is the part I don't get. All that is going to happen is not only will you be arrested, you will also be hot, tired and sweaty in the back seat of the car.
Is it worth all that ?
I think not.
So I get the fact that there is a TV show about a Guy and His wife and their 8 (Eight) kids. It is your not so basic Reality TV show and it is goofy as hell. Supposedly 9.8 million viewers tuned in last week ( because they are having marital issues and the burning questions in life are are all centered around are they going to stay together? Who is having an affair? Is he really a wus? Is she really a shrew? and so forth and so on until I want to puke......arrrrgghhh!!!
A couple of years ago my wife and I had :
Me, my wife, 2 Daughters, 2 Sons, 1 Son in Law, I Grandson, 2 dogs and 4 cats under one roof in one 5 bedroom house + also various friends of one of my sons for various lengths of time.
It was kind of like ME and HER Plus Twelve (sometimes Thirteen) !
So I get the fact that lots of folks are watching this show. OK, so many of you tune into this dramarama and live vicariously through the wickedness of the wife on this show and wish you could beat the crap out of your husband verbally, every day all day long like she does. The men , if any, who watch this are just clueless morons, who go though life saying Yes Dear at every opportunity, trying to figure out where it all went wrong.
What I don't get is the why? Why is this worthy of your time. Why do you care and what makes you want to know more every week?
That is what I don't get.
I would have already probably have been divorced, and been in jail because I would have smacked Dr. Phil in the mouth for talking trash to me about leaving this insanity, once I had divorced her.
Oh well. Can you imagine what the child support obligation would be? It would be cheaper to marry her lawyer, I think.
It had to have went something like this for the poor schmuck who is the Dad on this show when he was younger:
1.    See Hot Chick
2.    Date Hot Chick
3.    Make Hot Chick like me.
4.    Get Hot Chick to have sex with me (Dang , she won't do it without a wedding ring).
5.    Marry Hot chick so she will have sex with me.
6.    Hot chick gets pregnant.
7.    Oh crap, its eight babies. Are you friggin kiddin me? What the hell am I gonna do now?
8.    I know, start a TV show. That'll at least pay the friggin diaper bills.
Empty nesting looks pretty good right now I gotta tell ya !
Cue the credits, laugh until sides hurt, fade to black.
Thankx for reading my rant ! 
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