The first thing I want to say is " aaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhh !!!!!"
There is one week to go before the election and things are as silly as they ever have been in the Presidential race. For the first time in history, the entire media industry is trying to make the election go the way they want it to by refusing to report real news and ask a single tough question. Obama has never had to answer for any of this stuff and we are all responsible because we haven't objected to the obvious bias and liberal attitude represented in their coverage.
You wonder why newspapers are failing ? Its not because they are not relevant, it is because they have made them irrelevant with their coverage.
We're less than a month from the election, and we still haven't unmasked the real Sen. Barack Obama, the radical, extremist, leftist with dangerous associations and dangerous plans and platforms. With the help of the dishonest, fraudulent, and biased mainstream media, Sen. Obama not only hasn't answered critically important questions, but also hasn't even been asked these questions. And apparently some voters are ready to vote for a candidate whose only accomplishments are pretty speeches.
The way I see it, a totally qualified Candidate, John McCain , is the one the media can't wait to dig up bad news about I cannot understand how they can continue to beat the bushes dead with so many non-issues day after day, week after week and somehow we just put up with it and continue to go along with it. Obama has essentially said hundreds of times that McCain is just like George Bush, and really nothing could be further from the truth. George was dependant upon and is controlled by neo-conservative, ultra right wing ideology and he never made it close to the center in managing his Presidency. McCain has always been about the middle point of view, except for a couple of issues. The fact that he and his family own 7 homes , 5 of which are not homes they live in is the story? Real estate investing is not allowed in politics?
Obama on the other hand has had issue after issue arise from his past and from his record and somehow none of it matters. He can have all the things that have been exposed about him wrote up in one long story and somehow it slides right off of him and it somehow does not matter. I just don't get it. I don't see how anyone can be fooled by this guy. Smooth talker and so are most lawyers and criminals for that matter. Barack Obama has displayed extremely poor judgment in his association with Jeremiah Wright, a black separatist; William Ayers, a domestic terrorist; Tony Resko, arrested for bribery and extortion; and Raila Odinga, a Kenyan politician who has slaughtered thousands in the opposition party. Journalists have yet to verify Obama's platform on taxes, health care or education. A tax break for 95 percent of taxpayers can't be done; IRS shows of the 132 million tax returns, 40 million paid no tax at all. But increasing the capital gains and dividend taxes will hurt individuals earning as little as $42,000 a year. Basic economics tells us companies don't pay taxes, those purchasing their goods and services do. And, increasing taxes on small businesses, they can attempt to pass the costs along, lay off employees, reduce benefits or all of the above. Obama's plans of tax, spend, nationalize and redistribution of wealth will destroy the very pillars that make this country great.
We are gonna get just exactly what we wish for with this guy.
You don't like Bush because he has poor Judgment? Fine. Fire him and get somebody else.
Replace him with somebody who has better judgment.
Barack Obama ain't that guy.
- He's had the Rev. Wright issue. Sat in that church for 20 years and he never objected until Rev. Wright embarrassed him. Makes a pretty speech and all is forgiven.
- Associates with a criminal ,Tony Resko, the convicted felon who assisted in the funding of Obama’s home.
- How about his ties to the ACORN organization, the ones perpetrating voter fraud now and the ones his campaign gave over $800,000? Has the mainstream media even covered the ACORN story?
- Barack Obama went into a Toledo neighborhood, and while there, came across a man, later known as Joe “the plumber.” Joe asked a question concerning Obama’s economic plan. Obama, among other statements suggesting “collectivism” rather than “individualism,” revealed his overall policy in his words, “when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everyone.” The last time we heard this was from Karl Marx. They spent the next couple of weeks destroying the reputation of Joe the Plumber. God forbid anybody should ask King Obama a tough question.
- How about Bill Ayers? Has NBC stationed a satellite truck outside his hone? It is refreshing to hear that the University of Nebraska, and the people of Nebraska refuse to allow this unrepentant terrorist on its campus. Of course, when he did most of his bombings and killing of people, Obama was only 8 years old. Read all about Bill Ayers at ,
- In the last debate, McCain asked Obama, “When have you challenged members of your own party as the governor (Palin) and I have done?” The question went unanswered. Tough times at home and abroad demand leaders of tested mettle.
- Why was it not made known that he is the second highest recipient of money from Fannie or Freddie? How come he gets a free pass from the reporters who are shaping your opinions of him.
Why does none of this stuff matter when selecting a president?
Why can we say ???
- Dwight David Eisenhower
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy
- Lyndon Baines Johnson
- Richard Milhous Nixon
- Gerald Rudolff Ford, Jr.
- James Earl Carter
- Ronald Wilson Reagan
- George Herbert Walker Bush
- William Jefferson Clinton
- George Walker Bush
But not (because if we do we are racist and unfairly attacking Muslims):
1. What precisely was the nature of Senator Obama's relationship with convicted real estate developer Tony Resko? Why did he engage in a real estate deal with Rezko when he was under federal investigation? What "advice" did he give Obama about buying a house in Chicago?
2. Why has Obama proclaimed that he has been fighting alongside ACORN, a radical leftwing organization, his "entire career"?
3. What exactly has been Obama's experience with ACORN?
4. What was the nature of the "training" Obama provided to ACORN activists in Chicago?
5. What exactly occurred during the "actions" that Obama organized as a community organizer? Did the "actions" involve intimidation by any of the participants Obama led?
6. Why did ACORN activists humiliate bankers into giving bad loans after Obama trained them?
7. Why did Obama seek ACORN's endorsement in his state senate race?
8. What, if any, support did ACORN provide Obama in his 2004 Senate race?
9. Why was Obama silent on the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reform package in 2005?
10. Why did Obama say that sub-prime lending was a "good thing"?
11. Why did Obama support $500 million a year going to ACORN-like organizations in the housing bailout this past summer?
12. Why did the Woods Fund and the Joyce Foundation direct millions to organizations such as ACORN while Obama was serving on the board of those foundations?
13. Why did Madeleine Talbot, one time fiery leader of Chicago ACORN, invite Obama to help train their organizers in the 1990s?
14. Why did Obama attend a fundraiser at George Soros's home during his 2004 campaign?
15. Why didn't Obama return campaign contributions from George Soros?
16. Why did Obama vote to raise taxes on people making as little as $42,000 per year?
17. Has Senator Obama or his campaign coordinated with St. Louis law enforcement authorities who are threatening criminal libel charges against critics of Obama who make statements that are found to by law enforcement officials to be "false"?
18. Are the Obama campaign's "internet action alerts" directing supporters to overwhelm call-in radio show that are critical of Obama consistent with the fair and open campaign the Senator has pledged to run?
19. When did Senator Obama first meet domestic terrorist William Ayers? Did Obama know Ayres as a student at Columbia in the early 1980s?
I can think of at least 10 more questions I cannot read about the answers to in the media, because he has never been made to account for them.
Here are 10 that should be answered before you vote for this guy.
You want to vote for this guy? Fine, ask him these 10 questions and see what you get as a response.
You can't ask the media though, because they are in love with him and will not ask these questions.
- Why do you have a long list of questionable associates that are racists, bigots, anti-Americans and even terrorists? You know who I am talking about: Reverend Jeremiah "God Damn" America" Wright, William "Bomber of Pentagon" Ayers; Bernadine "The Terrorists" Dohrn; Fr. Michael "Racist" Pfleger, Tony "Convicted Felon and Slumlord" Resko, Professor Rashid "Known Terrorist Sympathizer and Spokesman for Terrorist Organization" Khalidi, and the list goes on. Are you aware that you could not get the security clearance required for a federal employee because of your associations?
- Why do you lie about these associations when finally confronted with them? For example, of the terrorist Mr. Ayers you said he's just a guy who lives in the neighborhood. The truth is that you have had a long and close association with him. You launched your political career in his house. You wrote a blurb for one of his books. You served on boards with him. You were on speakers' panel with him. You headed a board of an organization that doled out $100 million of dollars working with Mr. Ayers, money that went to radicalize school children. Does that sound like just a guy who lives in the neighborhood? Your latest doubletalk on Mr. Ayers was that you thought he was "rehabilitated." That's baloney because as late as 9/11 he told the New York Times he should have done more bombings. Then there's terrorist Mr. Khalidi, who you describe as just another guy in the neighborhood. When you, Mr. Obama, were on the board of the Woods Fund (2002), you participated in awarding $70,000 grant to the American Action Network, A Chicago-based group founded by Mr. Khalidi and his wife. Mr. Khalidi held a fund-raiser for your political run. Was that a payoff for the grant? You knew or should have known what Mr. Khalidi stood for and that he had close ties to the PLO, when the U.S. State Department classified it as a terrorist group. And when Mr. Khalidi left Chicago for New York, you delivered one of the testimonials for this terrorist.
- Why do you use the same incredible line every time one of your questionable associations is exposed? You've said, that's not the Rev. Wright I knew? That's not the Rezko I knew. Why do you have so much trouble figuring out these shady characters even after close associations that run for decades?
- What does you inability to level with the American people on these associations say about your honesty and trustworthiness...and your values and character? What do these associations with radicals, bigots, terrorists and all the rest say about your judgment?
- Can you name another presidential candidate in our history who had so many close associations with terrorists, racists, bigots, and anti-Americans? Birds of a feather flock together. What does that line up say about you, Sen. Obama? Why is it that you have received endorsements from Hamas, the terrorist organization; Fidel Castro, the former dictator of Cuba; Louis Farrakhan, the notorious anti-American anti-Semite who just called you the "Messiah"; and the Black Panther Party? Sen. Obama can't control his endorsements, but he can control which ones he announces on his Web site. The Black Panther endorsement was posted on his Web site. Doesn't that suggest Mr. Obama is proud of the endorsement by the Black Panthers, a group that is openly anti-White, anti-Jewish and anti-American. Only when criticism came in was the endorsement from the site taken down. Why can't you do what's right, before your wrongdoing is exposed and before it becomes politically expedient to act?
- In one of your books, you admitted you sought out Marxist professors at universities. You were attracted to Rev. Wright and his Trinity Church, a bastion of Marxist black liberation theology. You have had a long association with William Ayres who rails and rants against capitalism and America. When running for the Illinois Senate, you sought out and obtained the support of the Marxist "New Party" in Chicago in 1995. You had a communist mentor when growing up. You advocate redistribution of income. You believe in big government as do all the tax and spend liberals that you swim with. Does that explain why there is a heavy touch of socialism in your worldview and in your programs?
- Why did you say American troops in Afghanistan are just "air raiding villages and killing civilians?" Do you want to apologize now for that comment? Is that the way you support the troops? Is that why you refused to wear an American flag on your lapel? Do you support some of the other slanderous comments made by your fellow Democrats about American servicemen? For example, Rep. John Murtha said American soldiers were killing civilians in cold blood and never apologized when these soldiers were acquitted. Then there is Sen. John Kerry who said American troops were terrorizing women and children in the dark of night, or Sen. Dick Durbin who compared our troops to Nazis.
- You'll recall that ran the infamous advertisement that said "General Petraeus or General Betray Us." Why did you refuse to vote for the Senate resolution (the Cornyn resolution) condemning that advertisement? Why did you hide in the cloakroom when that vote was being taken?
- Why did you say Iran, Cuba and Venezuela are just tiny countries and are not a real threat to us? Aren't you aware that Iran is now sending in weapons and people to kill our troops in Iraq? Aren't you aware they are now developing nuclear weapons and would not hesitate to give terrorists a dirty bomb that might wipe out an American city? Aren't you aware that Iran is the leading supporter of international terrorism? Do you, as critics often say, still have a pre-9/11 mentality?
- Will you at last admit the surge in Iraq was a success? You opposed the surge and said it would increase ethnic violence and fail. And even after virtually everyone admits the surge has been a success, you still refuse to finally admit you were dead wrong and the surge has succeeded. A characteristic of presidential leadership is the ability to admit a mistake. Would you now at long last admit you were wrong on the surge and it is succeeding?
And this Ladies and gentlemen is the candidate that the liberal left wing ultra socialist media would have you believe is the answers to all of your prayers and is the one who will fix all that is wrong with America. It is he , the King Obama who will restore America's reputation and make us the leader we once were.
pu-lease. ! What a load of BS.
Check these links out. Now there is even a video which purports to show Obama praising a terrorist, and the L.A. times won't release it.
Thankx for reading my rant !
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