The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Firmware Update Breaks Hacked iPhones

Firmware Update Breaks Hacked iPhones......,137872-c,consumeradvice/article.html

Nannie-nannie-Boo-Boo. Stick your head in doo-doo. I'm right once again. This ladies and gentlemen, is way to damn easy.

See what did I tell you.
  • Overpriced
  • Slow Internet
  • Legendary marketing prowess
  • Managed by a vengeful , spiteful company that is only second to Microsoft in the way they treat legitimate buyers of their products.

Apples latest firmware updates break (that is disable) phones which have been unlocked (that is hacked) by open source methods or other software.

DRM control, OS component control, Design freakiness, and now Apple's latest venture straight from the Microsoft playbook, alienation of the customers in the chase for the almighty dollar and to HELL with you!

  • It isn't enough that people paid 500-600 dollars for these things and then got screwed by Steve Jobs with a price drop strategy they did not need to sell the product
  • It isn't enough that they are on the slowest network
  • It isn't enough that it uses the crappiest mobile browser available
  • It isn't enough that they are underpowered
  • It isn't enough that they have a third of the memory they need to operate smoothly
  • It isn't enough that you can't buy them from any seller
  • It isn't enought that no authorized third party apps are supported
  • NOW they want to control what you can legitimately do with a perfectly legal product THAT YOU OWN because they want to control content and looks and delivery and every stinking little bit of the revenue too. Every last selfish squeezed out penny.

This was on purpose, It was not a mistake, it was not an accident and was not a routine update. This had nothing to do with added functionality, security updates or increased user friendliness.

Do not for one second believe the hype which calls this a firmware update. It may update the firmware, but there is no reason to not call this what it really is.

This is a hack. A corporate sponsored, well thought out, highly organized HACK.

Pure and simple, Apple hacked their own hardware, software and the methodology used to unlock the phones in order to make you think twice about unlocking your phone. The disclaimer they put out was laughable " You have a choice whether or not to install it", "It may break the phone", "We are not sure if it will damage unlocked phones".

I know BS when I smell it.

Looks like BS, smells like BS, must be (PR-marketing) Bull Sh**.


Designer BS.

Brand Name BS.

Paid For BS.

Contracted BS.

Every flavor of BS if you ask me.

This hack had to be specifically designed to make the phones not function. This hack had to be specifically designed to disable third party applications. This hack most assuredly was designed by corporate lawyers, software architects and technicians who had studied all the ways the phones were unlocked in the first place. Once they understood how the unlocks were applied they then counterattacked (oops I mean "released") an "update" which they said (**Note -BS warning) "may" render the phone unusable and broke them.

Whatever. They broke it on purpose to create a disincentive to hacking their product.

You hack us, we'll hack you back.

I've wrote on this subject before. A few weeks ago I wrote that "...Look, these useless paperweights are just like every thing else iApple sells. Marketing machine driven, Overpriced, glitzy, with mad legions of Mac fans who would use it to wipe their butt with if Steve Jobs said so. I am just surprised that Billy Mays isn't their spokesman, and they don't have an orange glow version of it available (and wait that's not all). More iJunk from iAlso to make iMad and take iMoney from iLife if you ask me. I'd rather have an iEnema iThink."

Add to that thought , I cannot believe we put up with crap like this from companies like Apple and Microsoft.

  • If they made guns we would have to buy "Apple-Bullets".
  • If they made coffee we would have to use "Apple-Water".
  • If they made automobiles we would have to burn "Apple-Gas".
  • Can you imagine buying "Apple-Shoes" and only being able to wear "Apple-socks"?

What in the heck makes them think that software or hardware is any different? And these idiots (I mean geniuses) wonder why so many people buy Academic editions of software, why they download music without going to their "Stores", why computers are full of copied software and why they are constantly in trouble in courts because of monopoly laws, import export laws and why their competitors are wild about pumping out negative PR about their latest blunders.

  • Question -What was the "firmware" update specifically designed to do, if not break the phones?. (In other words did it add user friendliness, functionality, added applications, etc) Or more logically did you just close all the holes you discovered were left in the product when you released it with the intent of breaking any functionality, thereby punishing anyone who was brazen enough to want a product that they OWN LEGALLY do more than you designed it to do?
  • Answer- Follow the money. It is always about money. Share price. Stock Options. EBITDA. ROI. Bonuses. Not about the phone or the people who bought them at all.

  • Question- What percentage of phones that have been sold have actually been unlocked?
  • Answer- 16 million will be sold according to most projections by December 2008. Less than 0.10% of those sold so far ( about 4 million) have been hacked ( I mean unlocked)according to some experts.

Is it really about this small number of phones then? I don't think so. This few a number wouldn't even prompt a product recall on these pieces of junk even if they burned the ears off of the people using them. If they would just remember that they are making "Products" for "People" as their first strategy a lot of this nonsense would go away very quickly.

I feel sorry for people who got them as gifts.

The rest of you morons who actually bought them ? Go to google and look up "Caveat emptor".

It is your own fault.

Nothing will happen as long as we keep putting up with this kind of crap. They can keep throwing money at lawyers and do whatever they want as long as the "sheep" keep buying their brand name marketing nonsense.

Makes about as much sense as buying software that says on the outside that "By Opening this software package you agree to the EULA agreement covering this software", and then finding out that the the EULA (End User License Agreement) is only on the software disk inside the package.

We put up with that crap too.


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