The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Just a couple of reactions....

Just a couple of reactions to things I see in the news lately ….

  • Fred Thompson enters the race for President (Republican) - This is a good thing, a very good thing. The idiots who say he entered too late just don't get it. The average person don't give a hoot about all the run up to the voting. He said "Let's get on with it", and he is right. As to staff shakeups, his young wife (44 years old- only in politics is 44 young, go figure?), the acting career? Who cares. I know more about what he believes in from watching the past 2 days than I have heard from Hillary or Barrack in the past 6 months. At least the Republicans are interesting now and have a chance with a guy like him. I liked his quote  where he said " I don't think the American people are going to say , He would have made a great President but he entered the race too late". Political pundits are like movie reviewers in my book. Most of the time they are out of touch and just plain wrong. Usually when they say a movie is bad, that’s the one we go to see and it turns out pretty good.
  • Norman Hsu (fugitive political fundraiser guy) whatever the story- Who cares. Ho-hum. Non story. Couldn't care less. Next story please.
  • Indianapolis Colts win 41-10 in season opener- I am biased. I am from Indianapolis. Go colts ! (Wasn't Peyton fabulous?)
  • Osama Bin Laden to make Video appearance - Mr. Bin Laden, you are cordially invited to make a live appearance to a gathering of US Special forces at your next opportunity. We would like to hear you speak in person, so we can shoot you like the dog you are. Personally I think he is already dead and they are recycling his older videos. Haven't seen or heard from him in 3 years and on the anniversary of 9-11 he is going to release a "new" video? Reportedly his beard is fully black in the video they are going to release. Funny, it was mostly gray in the last one. I wonder if he uses Grecian formula?
  • Death Toll from Hurricane Felix tops 100 - My heart goes out to these people. I still wish our own government was doing more in the Gulf Coast though.
  • 11 arrested in New Jersey in corruption investigation -  Really? In New Jersey? Crime and corruption? I can't believe it. You've got to be kidding? There's a reason The Sopranos was filmed using New Jersey as a backdrop you know.
  • Foreclosures at all time high - Even though it is our own fault for taking out those stupid interest only loans and the variable rate loans and all the other crap the banking industry came up with to loan money to people to buy houses, I still think the mortgage industry is a bunch of lying crooks whose sole objective is to steal from you at every opportunity. Period. Every closing settlement document on every loan made details the outrageous and fundamentally immoral ways that they rip people off. I don't know if there is anything we can ever do about it, but I'd like to see a bunch of those crooks in jail and a reform in that entire industry. Never happen because I'm spittin' in the wind here. One voice cannot compete against thousands of lobbyists.
  • Apple cuts price of iPhone $200, release new version of iPod that looks like iPhone without the phone, etc, etc, etc- Overpriced piece of crap to begin with and now just a less expensive overpriced piece of crap. Slowest internet network in the world used. Has to be married with AT & T, has to be used with iTunes. Not worth what they are charging for it then or now. People who waited in line for days to be the first on their block to own these pieces of sh*t are now upset because they paid $200 more than people who buy them next week? Seems like they should look in the mirror if you ask me. How can you blame iApple for offering a product that you couldn't wait to spend your whole paycheck on and then you went out and stood in line like you were getting front row tickets at a Rolling Stones concert and then willingly handed over your own money to get this clutzy iCrap looking junk drawer filler ? Look, these useless paperweights are just like every thing else iApple sells. Marketing machine driven, Overpriced, glitzy, with mad legions of Mac fans who would use it to wipe their butt with if Steve Jobs said so. I am just surprised that Billy Mays isn't their spokesman, and they don't have an orange glow version of it available (and wait that's not all). More iJunk from iAlso to make iMad and take iMoney from iLife if you ask me. I'd rather have an iEnema iThink.
  • Judge declares parts of the Patriot Act Unconstitutional - No kidding. Lets see, you want to make a law that directly contravenes the Constitution of the US (HYPERLINK and somehow it is a surprise that a judge declares it to be in violation of the Constitution? Laws can't be passed which do that. Amendments can be ratified by the states that do that. I don't get it, politicians need a lesson in how government is set up and how our Federal system is supposed to work? Oh yeah, I forgot, Politicians….go figure.

Just stuff I've been pondering in the past couple of days. Any thoughts ?

Thankx- bigmike
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