The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Firmware Update Breaks Hacked iPhones

Firmware Update Breaks Hacked iPhones......,137872-c,consumeradvice/article.html

Nannie-nannie-Boo-Boo. Stick your head in doo-doo. I'm right once again. This ladies and gentlemen, is way to damn easy.

See what did I tell you.
  • Overpriced
  • Slow Internet
  • Legendary marketing prowess
  • Managed by a vengeful , spiteful company that is only second to Microsoft in the way they treat legitimate buyers of their products.

Apples latest firmware updates break (that is disable) phones which have been unlocked (that is hacked) by open source methods or other software.

DRM control, OS component control, Design freakiness, and now Apple's latest venture straight from the Microsoft playbook, alienation of the customers in the chase for the almighty dollar and to HELL with you!

  • It isn't enough that people paid 500-600 dollars for these things and then got screwed by Steve Jobs with a price drop strategy they did not need to sell the product
  • It isn't enough that they are on the slowest network
  • It isn't enough that it uses the crappiest mobile browser available
  • It isn't enough that they are underpowered
  • It isn't enough that they have a third of the memory they need to operate smoothly
  • It isn't enough that you can't buy them from any seller
  • It isn't enought that no authorized third party apps are supported
  • NOW they want to control what you can legitimately do with a perfectly legal product THAT YOU OWN because they want to control content and looks and delivery and every stinking little bit of the revenue too. Every last selfish squeezed out penny.

This was on purpose, It was not a mistake, it was not an accident and was not a routine update. This had nothing to do with added functionality, security updates or increased user friendliness.

Do not for one second believe the hype which calls this a firmware update. It may update the firmware, but there is no reason to not call this what it really is.

This is a hack. A corporate sponsored, well thought out, highly organized HACK.

Pure and simple, Apple hacked their own hardware, software and the methodology used to unlock the phones in order to make you think twice about unlocking your phone. The disclaimer they put out was laughable " You have a choice whether or not to install it", "It may break the phone", "We are not sure if it will damage unlocked phones".

I know BS when I smell it.

Looks like BS, smells like BS, must be (PR-marketing) Bull Sh**.


Designer BS.

Brand Name BS.

Paid For BS.

Contracted BS.

Every flavor of BS if you ask me.

This hack had to be specifically designed to make the phones not function. This hack had to be specifically designed to disable third party applications. This hack most assuredly was designed by corporate lawyers, software architects and technicians who had studied all the ways the phones were unlocked in the first place. Once they understood how the unlocks were applied they then counterattacked (oops I mean "released") an "update" which they said (**Note -BS warning) "may" render the phone unusable and broke them.

Whatever. They broke it on purpose to create a disincentive to hacking their product.

You hack us, we'll hack you back.

I've wrote on this subject before. A few weeks ago I wrote that "...Look, these useless paperweights are just like every thing else iApple sells. Marketing machine driven, Overpriced, glitzy, with mad legions of Mac fans who would use it to wipe their butt with if Steve Jobs said so. I am just surprised that Billy Mays isn't their spokesman, and they don't have an orange glow version of it available (and wait that's not all). More iJunk from iAlso to make iMad and take iMoney from iLife if you ask me. I'd rather have an iEnema iThink."

Add to that thought , I cannot believe we put up with crap like this from companies like Apple and Microsoft.

  • If they made guns we would have to buy "Apple-Bullets".
  • If they made coffee we would have to use "Apple-Water".
  • If they made automobiles we would have to burn "Apple-Gas".
  • Can you imagine buying "Apple-Shoes" and only being able to wear "Apple-socks"?

What in the heck makes them think that software or hardware is any different? And these idiots (I mean geniuses) wonder why so many people buy Academic editions of software, why they download music without going to their "Stores", why computers are full of copied software and why they are constantly in trouble in courts because of monopoly laws, import export laws and why their competitors are wild about pumping out negative PR about their latest blunders.

  • Question -What was the "firmware" update specifically designed to do, if not break the phones?. (In other words did it add user friendliness, functionality, added applications, etc) Or more logically did you just close all the holes you discovered were left in the product when you released it with the intent of breaking any functionality, thereby punishing anyone who was brazen enough to want a product that they OWN LEGALLY do more than you designed it to do?
  • Answer- Follow the money. It is always about money. Share price. Stock Options. EBITDA. ROI. Bonuses. Not about the phone or the people who bought them at all.

  • Question- What percentage of phones that have been sold have actually been unlocked?
  • Answer- 16 million will be sold according to most projections by December 2008. Less than 0.10% of those sold so far ( about 4 million) have been hacked ( I mean unlocked)according to some experts.

Is it really about this small number of phones then? I don't think so. This few a number wouldn't even prompt a product recall on these pieces of junk even if they burned the ears off of the people using them. If they would just remember that they are making "Products" for "People" as their first strategy a lot of this nonsense would go away very quickly.

I feel sorry for people who got them as gifts.

The rest of you morons who actually bought them ? Go to google and look up "Caveat emptor".

It is your own fault.

Nothing will happen as long as we keep putting up with this kind of crap. They can keep throwing money at lawyers and do whatever they want as long as the "sheep" keep buying their brand name marketing nonsense.

Makes about as much sense as buying software that says on the outside that "By Opening this software package you agree to the EULA agreement covering this software", and then finding out that the the EULA (End User License Agreement) is only on the software disk inside the package.

We put up with that crap too.


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Movie Review : The Brave One

My wife and I went to see this movie ("The Brave One"- starring Jodie Foster) last evening. Great movie. Great acting. Great story. Good texture and fun to try and figure out.

Today, after breakfast I happened upon a series of movie reviews about it. As I read the reviews and tried to make any sense out of what the reviewers were thinking about as they wrote their drivel, or tried to understand what it is they think the public expects of them , I was taken by one thought. Movie Reviewers who write movie reviews for a living must be a bunch of jaded, dark hearted souls, who wouldn't know a good movie if it smacked them in the face. They wouldn't know a good performance if it was imprinted upon their skulls with a laser. They couldn't buy a clue if they were Sherlock Holmes on "Wheel of Fortune" and Vanna White was their client.

The only conclusion I can come up with is people who write movie reviews for a living must have some gross misunderstanding of why movies are made in the first place, beyond making sure big stars get big paychecks. Movies are entertainment. Period. End of definition.

I can't remember the last time I went to a movie expecting for the flick to explore some deeper reality or explain the meaning of life to me. I do not go to movies for spiritual guidance (and I'd be hard pressed to name anyone who does) or life advice, or character development or any of the other schlock that these , dare I say, IDIOTS, write about.

One reviewer at USA today said "Foster does her best with a flawed story whose ending rings even less true than the rest of it."

Huh? Did this moron see the same movie I did?
Do you think the boss said to her "Go watch this movie and then rate it against our scale of story development and reality metrics".  Not very likely.

Listen, all the critics got the plot explanations right, all of them basically tell you what the story is about. Just about all of them accurately portray what the main characters are about. I think just about everyone of them got it wrong when they go off on a tangent talking about how it compares to Kevin Bacon's latest movie or the inevitable comparison to Charles Bronson's vigilante characters. I watched all those movies too, and they do not understand their job, and certainly they do not understand the audience in many cases. Don't get me wrong, I guess many of them do ok. Sometimes they do get it right. Occasionally a movie sucks so bad they can't help but see it too.

Most of the time though, whenever they say a film is mediocre, they are pretty much wrong. For example, They said the latest "Die Hard" movie was bad, they were wrong. Coincidentally, "The Sixth Sense" was a great movie as well (nothing to do with the lead actor- Bruce Willis).

The reason they were good movies is because they were entertaining. Why else would they write about it?
If I could see a movie reviewer judge a movie first just by this one element (Is it entertaining?), I could accept pretty much anything else they said. Using all these "self important made up let me look artsy-fartsy" definitions as a reason to write a bad review is not my idea of how you look at a movie in the first place. I pretty much don't give a rats ass if John Wayne made a movie about a stagecoach and this movie is about one too. Why is that important? Does it mean if I make a western, then it should be reviewed and judged against every Clint Eastwood , John Wayne film ever made if it has a similar plot? Of course not.

Movie is entertaining = Good Movie.
Movie is not entertaining = Bad Movie.
Not much else can be said.

Thankx- bigmike
posted from "The Rant from bigmike" at
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HYPERLINK and let me know what you think.

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Real Employee Evaluations......

Real Employee Evaluations !
These individual quotes were are said to be taken from actual employee performance evaluations in a large US Corporation (allegedly, I really think they are jokes, but hey ! They are funny !).

    1. "Since my last report, this employee has reached rock bottom...and has started to dig."
    2. "His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of morbid curiosity."
    3. "I would not allow this employee to breed."
    4. "This employee is really not so much of a 'has-been', but more of a definite 'won't be'."
    5. "Works well when under constant supervision and cornered like a rat in a trap."
    6. "When she opens her mouth, it seems that it is only to change feet."
    7. "He would be out of his depth in a parking lot puddle."
    8. "This young lady has delusions of adequacy."
    9. "He sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve them."
    10. "This employee is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot."
    11. "This employee should go far, and the sooner he starts, the better."
    12. "Got a full 6-pack, but lacks the plastic thing to hold it all together."
    13. "A gross ignoramus - 144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus."
    14. "He certainly takes a long time to make his pointless."
    15. "He doesn't have ulcers, but he's a carrier."
    16. "I would like to go hunting with him sometime."
    17. "He's been working with glue too much."
    18. "He would argue with a signpost."
    19. "He has a knack for making stranger immediately."
    20. "He brings a lot of joy whenever he leaves the room."
    21. "When his IQ reaches 50, he should sell."
    22. "If you see two people talking and one looks bored, he's the other one."
    23. "A photographic memory but with the lens cover glued on."
    24. "A prime candidate for natural deselection."
    25. "Donated his brain to science before he was done using it."
    26. "Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming."
    27. "Has two brains: one is lost and the other is out looking for it."
    28. "If he were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week."
    29. "If you give him a penny for his thoughts, you'd get change."
    30. "If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the oceans."
    32. "One neuron short of a synapse."
    33. "Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; he only gargled."
    34. "Takes him 2 hours to watch 60 minutes."
    35. "The wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead."

Thankx- bigmike
posted from "The Rant from bigmike" at
Take a second and check out my new business at
HYPERLINK and let me know what you think.

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Friday, September 14, 2007

The Headline says "Fred Thompson unprepared to answer on Terri Schiavo case"

This is why I call my blog The BIGMIKERANT. Stuff like this just yanks my chain and makes me want to smack somebody upside the head. I see so much of this crap it makes me want to be a news editor so I could tear this junk up in the writers face and ask them what in the hell were they thinking!!. Somebody ought to tell the other side to all these slanted biased stories. One sided bovine defecation.

Here is a bit of good old manufactured by the media "fluff" attack political non-news for you.
Totally unbelievable low brow plant eating lawyer liking crap.

Political candidate and former lawyer turned actor turned politician Fred D. Thompson, has a story HYPERLINK written about him which basically says he doesn't have an answer for the actions taken by the Republicans during the Terri Schiavo debacle from several years ago. You remember the debate right? Can her respirator be turned off by her husband or not? Right to Die versus Right to Live, Is she awake and aware or brain dead and barely functioning. Who has standing? Her husband or her parents?

The writer (Helen Kennedy- NY Daily News staff writer) essentially says he can't remember much about it and goes on to quote him saying some platitude about fine people doing fine work, it was a long time ago, blah, blah, blah. Is this the new issue of the campaigns? We are going backwards  to 2004-2005 and looking for non-issues to talk about and bash candidates with? I don't know where this writer gets her information, but, and I mean a big but, Fred Thompson was not in the Senate in 2005.

Have a look at HYPERLINK  quoted from his website "In March 2002, in the aftermath of the loss of his adult daughter, Senator Thompson announced that he would not seek re-election to the Senate. He has two sons who live in Nashville. He retired with an 86% American Conservative Union rating and a 100% rating pro-life voting record."

So by the time Teri Schiavo was big news  in late 2005 Fred Thompson had been retired from the Senate for three full years. He had been gone from there for almost 1100 days.

Senator / Doctor Bill Frist was the one who screwed the pooch on that one.
If this is news then I think we get to ask Hillary to explain how she could stay with Bill after he is out dipping his wick in the interns. Ask Hillary what kind of cigar she is smoking. I think we get to ask John McCain about his temper at every stop, I wonder if he was responsible for the fire on board the USS Forestal? (No, he wasn't , but they way it is reported you'd never know it). Lets ask Barack Obama about his childhood travels and focus on that for a while more. Lets talk some more about Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill. Somebody should ask Rudy G. to explain Waco. Elian Gonzales should be the main topic of discussion. Hell, lets see how responsible Dennis Kucinich was for Ruby Ridge. I mean I ain't done bitching about Robert Bork yet ! Gary Hart? Where is he I want to ask him some more about his implosion when he got caught having an affair. What about Harry Reid's land deal? Can Rudy Giuliani be President if he has had a couple of nasty back stabbing ex-wives? I don't think we spent enough money on either Watergate or Whitewater ! Free Squeaky Fromme!!, Free Squeaky Fromme!!- Who the hell is she ?

HYPERLINK can sponsor a full page ad in the NY papers calling our commanding General in Iraq "Gen. Betrayus", and you don't see nary a word about it in the news. Hell the newspaper even gave them a big discount for placing the ad to ensure that it would get the widest possible circulation. I'll bet most people don't even know what HYPERLINK is all about. They basically fund the Democratic party. Treasonous bastards if you ask me. They say they are a "nonpartisan education and advocacy on important national issues". Non-partisan? They do not support a single Republican idea. By definition , they are partisan. So am I, I just have the guts to admit it.

This kind of no-balls made up "fluff" attack junk reporting is what pisses me off about mainstream so called "media" nowadays. " Our lead story, Rain makes dirt into mud, film at 11."  People wonder why young folks think John Daily is a newsman on a news show. 25% of those 18-25 get most of their news from shows like his. It is stupid. It is obvious bashing. It is a non-issue. Let me make a rather ineloquent point. Democrats of today want to bash Reaganites and conservatives in general. They are all running for political office, spending millions of dollars to get a $200,000 job to "serve us" and they don't know as much about the Constitution or National Security as the average 25 year old does.

Lets re-visit Iran-Contra for a moment. (Bear with me)…...
It was 1987, At a lecture the other day they were playing an old news video of Lt.Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the Reagan Administration.
There was Ollie in front of God and country getting the third degree, but what he said was stunning! He was being drilled by a senator in the hearing.

Senator :"Did you not recently spend close to $60,000 for a home security system?"
Colonel North :"Yes, I did, Sir."
The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience.
Senator :"Isn't that just a little excessive?"
Colonel North :"No, sir,"
Senator :"No? And why not?"
Colonel North :"Because the lives of my family and I were threatened, sir."
"Threatened? By whom?" the
senator questioned.
"By a terrorist, sir"
Ollie answered.
Senator : "Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?"
Colonel North : "His name is Osama bin Laden, sir"
At this point the senator tried to repeat the name, but couldn't pronounce it, which most people back then probably couldn't. A couple of people laughed at the attempt. Then the senator continued.

Senator : Why are you so afraid of this man?"

Colonel North : "Because, sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of".
Senator : "And what do you recommend we do about him?"
Colonel North : "Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that an assassin team be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth."

This was not widely reported because the left leaning liberal media didn't consider it to be an issue, however it goes to the very heart of why we should be engaged in the middle east. It goes to the very center of the core differences between Democrats and Republicans. It is the defining issue of our times between freedom and tyranny. The discussion should be centered on these ideals and instead it is centered on how to get politicians elected to national office. In my opinion, Republicans should stick to their guns and tell the truth. Some issue are worth losing elections over.

I'm not a conspiracy nut. We landed on the moon, Oswald did it and yes, there was one bullet, Terrorists flew planes into the Pentagon and the Trade center, they attacked the USS Cole and blew up the marine barracks in Lebanon killing hundreds of marines, they also set the bomb off in the basement of the WTC a few years earlier and absolutely Timothy McVeigh deserved to die. Jewish people did not stay home on 09-11, Nixon was guilty as hell and should have went to jail, Terri Schiavo was a vegetable and would have died anyway and yes you are right, the Republicans were a bunch of morons for posturing on and on about it, racism is wrong yet it lives on in the south, sexual discrimination really happens every day in corporate America, I think Bill probably did more than diddle with a cigar, I would have burnt down Waco too because they killed federal agents, Ruby Ridge? Probably would have shot everybody there because they shot and killed innocent people including federal agents, Manson deserves to stay in prison - he is one scary sonofabitch, Area 51 is a secret military base and no, there are no little green men running around the New Mexico desert, and if Elian Gonzales wanted to go back to Cuba, hell let his ass go back. What do I care.

Lets not get off track though.
You know who Oliver North is. Ex-NSA, Military, conservative. Republican.
The Senator in question was none other than good old Al Gore. He didn't invent the internet, and he didn't have a clue then, doesn't have a clue now.

Media loves him and he is a phony and I wouldn't have voted for him to be dog-catcher. He deserved to lose the election in 2000 because he abandoned Bill Clinton. I'm shocked he thought he could win on his own without him.

Also did you know…..:
Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993, Israel had to agree to release so-called "political prisoners." However, the Israelis would not release any with blood on their hands. The American President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, "insisted" that all prisoners be released.  Thus Mohammad Atta was freed and eventually thanked the US by flying an airplane into Tower One of the World Trade Center . This was reported by many of the American TV networks at the time that the terrorists were first identified. It was censored in the US from all later reports.

Junk reporting like the "attack Fred Thompson stuff" this writer above wrote about goes unchallenged every single day. The media bends the news to fit their own perceptions, draws obviously biased conclusions, ignores the facts and will not report on parts of a story they do not like and we just sit here day after day eating it up and believing in the fairy tales we read that they write about.

Consider this story.
I'll bet you have never heard anything about this subject at all.
House #1 - A 20 room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool ( and a pool house) and a separate guest house, all heated by gas. In one month this residence consumes more energy than the average American household does in a year. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2400 In
natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not situated in a Northern or Midwestern 'snow belt' area. It's in the South.

House #2-  Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university. This house incorporates every 'green' feature current home construction can provide. The house is 4,000 square feet ( 4 bedrooms ) and is nestled on a high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat-pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F. ) heats the house in the winter and cools it in the summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas and it consumes one-quarter electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Surrounding flowers and shrubs native to the area enable the property to blend into the surrounding rural landscape.

Guess who owns these houses? I'll bet two things. If you are a "Democrat", you ain't gonna like it and I'll also bet your response will  be some lame justification, denial and a dismissal of this as an unfair comparison, as an attack  I can hear it now , " That’s so unfair, these two houses are not even located in the same parts of the country", "He has purchased carbon offset credits to make up for his energy usage", "His house is ten years newer", whine, whine, whine, indignant sniffle, POUT, FROWN. Poor babies..

I would expect that. You see, we as a society are trained to believe everything we see and hear from the media. As far back as I can remember, we have been spoon fed what news executives think is the news and then had certain aspects of stories beat into our brains every day at 4, 6 and 11 by Accu-News central. Its been going on for so long, I can reference things that you probably won't even know what I am talking about. The lead news stories in 1968 all started with body counts. The news today would have you believe that no one asked for it and that it kind of evolved into our consciousness. Wrong. Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense under Kennedy and Johnson started it to show progress in the Vietnam war and it got so out of control that it came back to bite them in the ass. I'm not a Democrat hater though. I voted for Clinton and would vote for him again if he could run. I won't vote for Hillary, because she is a shady back stabbing unbelievable shrew who will steal you blind and then tax your ass into the grave and beyond.

Oh, by the way….
HOUSE #1 is outside of Nashville, Tennessee; it is the abode of the 'environmentalist' Al Gore. Mr. Kyoto treaty. The worlds biggest tree hugger himself is the owner.

HOUSE #2 is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas; it is the residence the of the President of the United States, George W. Bush. You know, Mr. Big Oil, blah, blah, blah.

Bet you didn't see that one coming did you? Come on let me hear your whines !
An 'inconvenient truth', I guess if there ever was one. I hear Al gives a hell of a slideshow.
You don't believe me? Check HYPERLINK

So as the writer puts this story out and writes "The Schiavo question - still a big issue in Florida - has already ensnared former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who also pleaded a faulty memory when a Florida reporter asked him in March if he had supported the efforts to keep her alive."-NY Daily News 09-14-2007at HYPERLINK

 in her attempt to beat up and bash on Fred Thompson with this non-news story that they are making up as they move forward trying to advance the Democratic agenda.

The next time you see or read a news story that seem credible, like this one , ask yourself this one small basic simple question.

Is this the whole story?
Not very friggin likely.

Thankx- bigmike
posted from "The Rant from bigmike" at
Take a second and check out my new business at
HYPERLINK and let me know what you think.



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Friday, September 7, 2007

The Difference drug dealers and software developers

Drug dealers
Refer to their clients as "users".
"The first one's free!"
Have important South-East Asian connections (to help move the stuff).
Strange jargon: "Stick", "Rock", "Dime bag," "E".
Realize that there's tons of cash in the 14- to 25-year-old market.
Job is assisted by industry's producing newer, more potent mixes.
Often seen in the company of pimps and hustlers.
Their product causes unhealthy addictions.
Do your job well, and you can sleep with sexy movie stars who depend on you.
Software developers
Refer to their clients as "users".
"Download a free trial version..."
Have important South-East Asian connections (to help debug the code).
Strange jargon: "SCSI", "ISDN", "Java", "RTFM"
Realize that there's tons of cash in the 14- to 25-year-old market.
Job is assisted by industry's producing newer, faster machines.
Often seen in the company of marketing people and venture capitalists (same thing).
DOOM. Quake. SimCity. Duke Nukem 3D. 'Nuff said.
Damn! Damn! DAMN!!!

Thankx- bigmike
posted from "The Rant from bigmike" at
Take a second and check out my new business at
HYPERLINK and let me know what you think.

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Just a couple of reactions....

Just a couple of reactions to things I see in the news lately ….

  • Fred Thompson enters the race for President (Republican) - This is a good thing, a very good thing. The idiots who say he entered too late just don't get it. The average person don't give a hoot about all the run up to the voting. He said "Let's get on with it", and he is right. As to staff shakeups, his young wife (44 years old- only in politics is 44 young, go figure?), the acting career? Who cares. I know more about what he believes in from watching the past 2 days than I have heard from Hillary or Barrack in the past 6 months. At least the Republicans are interesting now and have a chance with a guy like him. I liked his quote  where he said " I don't think the American people are going to say , He would have made a great President but he entered the race too late". Political pundits are like movie reviewers in my book. Most of the time they are out of touch and just plain wrong. Usually when they say a movie is bad, that’s the one we go to see and it turns out pretty good.
  • Norman Hsu (fugitive political fundraiser guy) whatever the story- Who cares. Ho-hum. Non story. Couldn't care less. Next story please.
  • Indianapolis Colts win 41-10 in season opener- I am biased. I am from Indianapolis. Go colts ! (Wasn't Peyton fabulous?)
  • Osama Bin Laden to make Video appearance - Mr. Bin Laden, you are cordially invited to make a live appearance to a gathering of US Special forces at your next opportunity. We would like to hear you speak in person, so we can shoot you like the dog you are. Personally I think he is already dead and they are recycling his older videos. Haven't seen or heard from him in 3 years and on the anniversary of 9-11 he is going to release a "new" video? Reportedly his beard is fully black in the video they are going to release. Funny, it was mostly gray in the last one. I wonder if he uses Grecian formula?
  • Death Toll from Hurricane Felix tops 100 - My heart goes out to these people. I still wish our own government was doing more in the Gulf Coast though.
  • 11 arrested in New Jersey in corruption investigation -  Really? In New Jersey? Crime and corruption? I can't believe it. You've got to be kidding? There's a reason The Sopranos was filmed using New Jersey as a backdrop you know.
  • Foreclosures at all time high - Even though it is our own fault for taking out those stupid interest only loans and the variable rate loans and all the other crap the banking industry came up with to loan money to people to buy houses, I still think the mortgage industry is a bunch of lying crooks whose sole objective is to steal from you at every opportunity. Period. Every closing settlement document on every loan made details the outrageous and fundamentally immoral ways that they rip people off. I don't know if there is anything we can ever do about it, but I'd like to see a bunch of those crooks in jail and a reform in that entire industry. Never happen because I'm spittin' in the wind here. One voice cannot compete against thousands of lobbyists.
  • Apple cuts price of iPhone $200, release new version of iPod that looks like iPhone without the phone, etc, etc, etc- Overpriced piece of crap to begin with and now just a less expensive overpriced piece of crap. Slowest internet network in the world used. Has to be married with AT & T, has to be used with iTunes. Not worth what they are charging for it then or now. People who waited in line for days to be the first on their block to own these pieces of sh*t are now upset because they paid $200 more than people who buy them next week? Seems like they should look in the mirror if you ask me. How can you blame iApple for offering a product that you couldn't wait to spend your whole paycheck on and then you went out and stood in line like you were getting front row tickets at a Rolling Stones concert and then willingly handed over your own money to get this clutzy iCrap looking junk drawer filler ? Look, these useless paperweights are just like every thing else iApple sells. Marketing machine driven, Overpriced, glitzy, with mad legions of Mac fans who would use it to wipe their butt with if Steve Jobs said so. I am just surprised that Billy Mays isn't their spokesman, and they don't have an orange glow version of it available (and wait that's not all). More iJunk from iAlso to make iMad and take iMoney from iLife if you ask me. I'd rather have an iEnema iThink.
  • Judge declares parts of the Patriot Act Unconstitutional - No kidding. Lets see, you want to make a law that directly contravenes the Constitution of the US (HYPERLINK and somehow it is a surprise that a judge declares it to be in violation of the Constitution? Laws can't be passed which do that. Amendments can be ratified by the states that do that. I don't get it, politicians need a lesson in how government is set up and how our Federal system is supposed to work? Oh yeah, I forgot, Politicians….go figure.

Just stuff I've been pondering in the past couple of days. Any thoughts ?

Thankx- bigmike
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My current eBay auction- Ends September 7th

Hey Everybody,

Don’t forget to check out my items up for auction on eBay !

Here is what I have up for sale right now.

AnswrTek Services       Current eBay Auction
Report Printed on: 9/4/2007 9:58:44 PM
Reporting Dates From 7/1/2007 to 9/30/2007
        Current eBay Items
        Auction Ends    Product Name    eBay Item #
        1       9/7/2007 4:00:44 PM     Compaq HD Tray-ProLiant-USED- #242622-001-NO    190147929971
        2       9/7/2007 4:01:30 PM     Sheet protectors-Lightweight-Avery 73324-New-NR         190147930136
        3       9/7/2007 4:02:34 PM     Coca Cola Playing Cards and Collectors Tin-New-NR       190147930372
        4       9/7/2007 4:03:37 PM     Travel Wallet- Multi Zippered- Air-Tex/Duratec-New-NR   190147930624
        5       9/7/2007 4:04:35 PM     Dale Earnhardt Sr. Playing Cards-Red #3-UNIQUE-RARE-    190147930871
        6       9/7/2007 4:05:44 PM     Spalding Typhoon Infusion Soccer ball-New-SZ 5- NR      190147931256
        7       9/7/2007 4:06:36 PM     Expo Bold Color Dry Erase Marker Kit-New-NR-#83153      190147931520
        8       9/7/2007 4:07:40 PM     Expo Bold Color Dry Erase Marker set-New-NR-#83678      190147931692
        9       9/7/2007 4:08:31 PM     Coke Brand Delivery Truck Perputual calendar-New-NR     190147931813
        10      9/7/2007 4:09:33 PM     Johnny Lightning Coke Brand -67 'Vette Car and Tin-NR   190147932054
        11      9/7/2007 4:10:47 PM     Johnny Lightning Coke Brand- '66 Charger-Car and Tin-NR         190147932318
        12      9/7/2007 4:11:37 PM     Desk Lamp- Touch type-New- NR   190147932656
        13      9/7/2007 4:30:48 PM     Heavyweight Sheet Protectors-81/2X11in-New-NO   190147937071
        14      9/7/2007 4:45:32 PM     24 Jumbo Crayons-New-in original package-NR     190147940473
        15      9/7/2007 4:45:33 PM     16 Pieces Sidewalk Chalk-New-NR-in original packaging   190147940483
        16      9/7/2007 5:00:46 PM     6 way power Tap -Turn 2 outlets into 6-NEW-NR   190147943797
        17      9/7/2007 5:00:46 PM     Ball Point Pens-Foray Brand-med tip- NO RESERVE         190147943795
        18      9/7/2007 5:00:46 PM     BIC- Ultra Round Stic Pens-Box of 12- NO RESERVE        190147943798
        19      9/7/2007 5:00:46 PM     Deluxe Sewing Kit with caddy-NEW-NR     190147943796
        20      9/7/2007 5:00:46 PM     Desktop Calculator - 8 digit BIG display-NR-NEW         190147943800
        21      9/7/2007 5:01:35 PM     Poker Set-Complete Texas Hold Em Set- New- NR   190147943995
        22      9/7/2007 5:02:38 PM     Rain Poncho-Heavy Duty-New-NR   190147944219
        23      9/7/2007 5:03:30 PM     Precision Screwdriver Set-6 pieces-in Case-New-NR       190147944480
        24      9/7/2007 5:04:34 PM     Victor 905 Basic Calculator     190147944751
        25      9/7/2007 5:05:38 PM     Cards-Quarter Fold for Inkjet printer-Avery 3266-New-NR         190147945047
        26      9/7/2007 5:06:41 PM     CD/DVD Binder sheets-Fellowes Brand-New-NR      190147945330
        27      9/7/2007 5:07:31 PM     Dividers-Ready Index TOC Index-AveryR12135C-New-NR      190147945591
        28      9/7/2007 5:08:36 PM     Bic Blue Round Stic pens-12 to a box-New-#20120-NR      190147945840
        29      9/7/2007 5:09:36 PM     Bic Black Round Stic pens-12 to a box-New-#20119-NR     190147946006
        30      9/7/2007 5:10:31 PM     Sharpie Highlighter Pens-6 to a pack-New-#27108-NR      190147946137
        31      9/7/2007 5:11:42 PM     Utility Knife set-8 pieces-in Case-New-NR       190147946385
        32      9/7/2007 5:12:34 PM     Incense variety Pack-6 different scents-NEW-NR  190147946555
        33      9/7/2007 5:15:35 PM     Ball Point Pens-Fine Point-.07 mm-Black Ink-NEW-NR      190147947219
        34      9/7/2007 5:16:33 PM     Blue INSULATED Latex Gloves-NEW-NR      190147947386
        35      9/7/2007 5:17:35 PM     1/2 O.D.-Nylon Rope-NEW-NR-in Shr.Wrap-@50 ft   190147947485
        36      9/7/2007 5:18:36 PM     Lint Roller- 20 sheets- BRAND NEW- NR   190147947717
        37      9/7/2007 5:19:38 PM     First Aid Travel Kit- EMERGENCY SIZE-NEW-NO     190147948002
        38      9/7/2007 5:20:34 PM     15 Piece Mini-Tool set- NEW-NR  190147948236
        39      9/7/2007 5:21:39 PM     Job Ticket Holders-9in X 12in-New-NR    190147948474
        40      9/7/2007 5:22:33 PM     Avery-Ink Jet-Greeting Cards item #3265-New-NR  190147948695
        41      9/7/2007 5:23:42 PM     The Neat Sheet-Ground Cover-Large FAMILY SIZE-NEW-      190147948931
        42      9/7/2007 5:24:31 PM     Wood Block Puzzle game-New-NR-Like Jenga for age 7 +    190147949058
        43      9/7/2007 5:25:37 PM     Natural Beeswax Candles-New-NR-in original packaging    190147949270
        44      9/7/2007 5:26:33 PM     16 Pieces Sidewalk Chalk-New-NR-in original packaging   190147949533
        45      9/7/2007 5:27:30 PM     Votive holders-New-NR-original packaging        190147949818
        46      9/7/2007 5:28:39 PM     Hot Wheels Light up YOYO-New-NR-original package        190147950081
        47      9/7/2007 5:30:40 PM     Harry Potter Tattoo stamp set-New-NR    190147950753
        48      9/7/2007 5:30:40 PM     Tom Clancy-RainBowSIX-PCGAME-USED-AdultOwned-NR         190147950755
        49      9/7/2007 5:45:46 PM     Quartet Dry Erase markers-NEW-NR-#5001-10       190147954911
        50      9/7/2007 6:15:46 PM     Sports Binoculars-New-NR-camouflage-Rubberized  190147962243
        51      9/8/2007 6:38:58 PM     24 Jumbo Crayons-New-in original package-NR     190147940473
        Page 1 of  1

Thankx- bigmike
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Saturday, September 1, 2007

And now My take on the 2008 Republican Presidential Candidates (as promised)

Good Afternoon,

A few weeks ago I did a review of the Democratic Presidential candidates. Today I am going to review the Republicans.

It is finally time to talk about them, now that Fred Thompson has announced he is in the Race, finally (or will soon on September 6th).

The Main Republican candidates are :

  • Mitt Romney-Former Governor of Massachusetts. Another one of the Rich politicians. Lifetime political goals. From the country club set. Attorney (Go figure). No chance of being elected even though he will spend a bunch of money, most of it his own money, trying to get on board the gravy train. Couldn't tell you how much a can of coke is let alone a gallon of milk. Graduated from Harvard. Related to two other famous Romney's, Lenore and George W. (late Governor of Michigan). Can't figure out why he wants the job as he has had nothing new to say. Cannot seem to remember how to keep his foot out of his mouth. Has lots of negative press and has the Flip Flop label applied to him more than anyone else alive. Republicans would be Nuts to hand their hat on this guy. Can you imagine the news report "Mr. Flip Flop said today .." Bye Mitt, have a nice life. Him and Christopher Dodd should open a Subway franchise. One could work days and the other work nights.

  • Rudolph Giuliani-Former prosecutor who was tough on crime and as former NY City mayor who was tough on bums! Already lost to Hillary once for the US Senate job, he withdrew from the race for the senate running against Hillary for some odd reason (Divorced twice, pissed off ex wife etc etc) Has credibility (Law Clerk to US District Court Judge Lloyd MacMahon, 1968-70. Assistant US Attorney, 1970-75. Associate Deputy US Attorney General, 1975-77. Attorney, private practice, 1977-81 and 2002-present. Associate US Attorney General, 1981-83. US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, 1983-89. Chairman/CEO, Giuliani Partners LLC, 2002-present.) Time magazine 2001 person of the year. Is a study in negative press and man there is a ton of it. I do not see how the entire Republican establishment gets behind this guy as most of them don't like him. Too many scandals and too much time has passed since 9-11. His 15 minutes are up. Get over it Rudy, your day is done. Move on.

  • John McCain-US Senator, 1987-present (elected 1986; re-elected 1992, 1998, 2004). US Congressman, 1983-87 (elected 1982 and re-elected 1984). Director, US Navy's Senate Relations Office, 1977-81. Candidate for President, 2000, US Navy officer, 1958-81. As a Navy pilot, he was shot down over North Vietnam in 1967 and held as a Prisoner of War in Hanoi for 5½ years. Military decorations include the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross. Author. He also was onboard the USS Forestall when it famously caught fire where a Zuni Rocket was accidentally fired from an F-4 Phantom. With his aircraft surrounded by flames, McCain escaped by climbing out of the cockpit, walking down the nose and jumping off the refueling probe. Throughout his 24 years in Congress, McCain has gained a reputation for speaking his mind, consequences be damned, often in opposition to the Republican Party line of the moment. McCain has bucked the GOP - sometimes loudly - on gun show loopholes, lobbying reform, HMO reform, campaign finance reform, stem cell research, climate change, gay marriage, amnesty for illegal immigrants, seeking compensation from tobacco companies and upholding the filibuster. In a party long run with and on authoritarian discipline, this is a novelty that the press can’t get enough of. The problem is he has pissed off so many people, for so long, that there is no way they will support him. I personally wish this were not true as he is the only politician in the last twenty years to tell a reporter off, call another a jerk, call a fellow Senator a liar and get visibly angry on the air. At least we would get a guy with the guts to say Hell NO when the crap started somewhere. Alas, I am afraid he will drop out about three states into the primaries. Too bad. A race of him against Joe Biden would have been a lot of fun for the average person. Jon Stewart would have had material to last about 8 years from this one race. Should get pissed off at something stupid a Democrat says on TV and let America see the real him. We would love this guy. He's great when he's pissed off. Too bad he is what?, 107 now?

  • Sam Brownback- Scary religious nut job. I shudder to see what would happen if we ever elect a right wing religious crazy like this guy. Kansas Secretary of Agriculture, 1986-93; US Congressman, 1995-96 (elected 1994); US Senator, 1996-present (elected 1996; re-elected 1998, 2004).-Attorney and broadcaster, 1983-86.- A ton and a half of negative press and millions of google hits bitching about this guy. See HYPERLINK (anybody but Brownback) and HYPERLINK (The anti-Sam site), to just name a couple. Brownback is most known as a supporter of  Christian fundamentalism.  Brownback is a strong supporter of the traditional marriage movement  and is an opponent of same-sex marriage . He has refused to state his opposition to adoption of children by gay families. He is also anti-abortion in all cases, except to save the life of the mother. Brownback was a cosponsor of the Constitution Restoration Act , which would have limited the power of federal courts to rule on church/state issues. Brownback told Rolling Stone that he chairs the Senate Values Action Team, an off-the-record weekly meeting of representatives from religious conservative organizations. Brownback has a voting record tending toward higher immigration levels. His views are so extreme right wing he makes Pat Robertson say "Whoa, wait a minute this guy is pretty extreme!"

  • Fred Dalton Thompson- Just threw his hat in the race (actually will throw is more proper, on September 6th, 2007). You've seen him on Law and Order and in the movies (The Hunt for Red October for one, Days of Thunder and Die Hard2), I call him "The Fred", The amazing Fred-o-matic. Mr Actor and former senator. Untouchable and Teflon coated. Big time anticipation. Has nominee wrote all over him. If he and McCain would team up they would be a hard team to beat. Was the Minority Counsel, US Senate Watergate Committee, 1973-74. US Senator, 1994-2003 (elected 1994; re-elected 1996) Attorney (Assistant US Attorney, 1969-72). Movie and TV Actor. Breathtakingly Presidential. Has the chops and the political ability to pull it off. Even though he doesn't officially announce until September 6th, I think it will be his nomination to lose. Great name recognition, perfect speech delivery and he makes a lot of sense. He's like listening to your grandfather tell you why you need to slow down while driving. He's so slick, its hard to refute his arguments. Hillary will have a hell of a time debating him, because she will be so eye rolling and swarmy trying to upstage him and then Obama will be standing to one side , putting his arm in the air like a third grader yelling "Me, me, pick me, Ooh, ooh, pick me", and Fred will be smooth silky talking saying "Now come on over here little lady and calm down young fella and let Uncle Fred clue you in to how the real world works.". Should be a hell of a show. I think he is the nominee.
  • Duncan Hunter- US Congressman, 1981-present (elected 1980; re-elected 13 times). Chair, US House Armed Services Committee, 2002-06, Attorney, 1976-80. US Army, 1969-71 (Vietnam War veteran). Unknown and about as exciting as Al Gore. No chance. No way, no how. Who is this guy? No message and can't break free from the pack with a message you've never heard.
  • Ron Paul- Who ? US Congressman, 1976-77, 1979-85 and 1997-present (elected 1976 Special Election, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006). GOP Nominee for Congress, 1974 and 1976. Candidate for US Senate, 1984 GOP Primary. Libertarian Party Nominee for President, 1988 (Ballot status in 46 states - 431,750 votes - 0.47%), Physician (Obstetrician/Gynecologist), 1961-present. Author. US Air Force, 1963-65. US Air National Guard, 1965-68. Give it up Ron, no way we elect a Libertarian to the Presidency. Why waste your time? Nobody even knows who you are.
  • Mike Huckabee-GOP nominee for US Senate, 1992. Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas, 1993-96 (elected 1993 Special Election; re-elected 1994). Governor of Arkansas, 1996-2007 (elected 1998, re-elected 2002). Chair, National Governors Association, 2005-06.- Baptist Minister. President, Beech Street Communications (parent company of the UHF TV station owned by the Beech Street Baptist Church), 1986-92. President, Arkansas Baptist State Convention, 1989-91. Author. Relative unknown. No big Republican base. Nobody knows what he is for, what he's against or who he talks to. In short, no information for public consumption. Has a lot of positive buzz, however his claim to fame is he lost 100 lbs and wants to make you healthier too. Got the state (Arkansas) to ban smoking in public places. Takes a good early strong position on many things and at least he is consistent and stays the same. Easy to listen to and makes a lot of sense. Problem is , the voters are going to go, "Wait a minute?, Arkansas?, ain't that where that dang Clinton was from?", and then move on. Might make a great Vice President. Would be a waste of his talent though.
  • Tom Tancredo-  Has some credentials, but NO Name recognition at all. I'm Republican and have been following the race and didn't know who he was until I googled him. Doesn't belong in this race. State Representative, 1977-81 (elected: 1976, 1978, 1980). Regional Representative, US Department of Education, 1981-92. US Congressman, 1999 - present (elected: 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004). Founder, Team America PAC, 2005, Junior High School Teacher, 1968-76. President, Independence Institute (libertarian think-tank), 1993-98. Jimmy Carter would have liked to run against him instead of against Ronald Reagan.
  • Newt Gingrich- (Not actually a nominee, but considering it supposedly). GOP Nominee for Congress, 1974 and 1976. US Congressman, 1979-99 (Elected 1978, 1980, 1982, 1984,1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998). Founder, Conservative Opportunity Society, 1983. Chair, GOPAC, 1986-95. US House Minority Whip, 1989-95. US House Speaker, 1995-99. Reprimanded by the US House Ethics Committee, 1996. Founder, Center for Health Transformation, 2003. Co-Chair, National Commission for Quality Long-Term Care. Founder, Institute for Safety, Health, Prosperity and Freedom, 2005, College Professor, 1970-78. Founder & CEO, Gingrich Group communications and consulting firm, 1999-Present. Author. He cannot win and has no chance of carrying even one state. Why ? Three Words. Contract with America. Call Mr. Gingrich a cab please, he'll be leaving now. Bye Bye.
  • Chuck Hagel-US Senator Chuck Hagel - a decorated Vietnam War veteran and wealthy former businessman, he has cultivated the image of being an independent-minded maverick. Although he is a close friend of John McCain, and supported McCain in 2000, Hagel is himself weighing a possible White House run in 2008. While Hagel is pro-life and a fiscal conservative, he stands out from the other GOP hopefuls for his outspoken calls since early 2006 to withdraw US troops from Iraq. He also differs with the Bush Administration by supporting an end to the decades-old economic boycott of Cuba, saying the embargo failed to dislodge Castro and harmed Cuban civilians. Related link: HYPERLINK ""Office of US Senator Chuck Hagel (official government site), HYPERLINK ""Sandhills PAC (Hagel's Leadership PAC), HYPERLINK "" (grassroots supporters) and HYPERLINK "" (grassroots supporters). Ho-Hum, boring. C-ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.
  • Alan Keyes- This guy I like, but he can't win. He's too smart. Would be a great Vice President though. Mostly because America likes it change in small doses. First a black VP, then a Black President. I would like to see him in a major debate though. No one knows more about what he is talking about than him. He would grind everybody else into pieces and they know it. All are afraid of his intellect. Has some major credentials, he is a social conservative who has been a bombastic TV and radio show host, is flirting with making a third run for President. Keyes previously lost runs for the GOP Presidential nomination in 1996 and 2000, for US Senate in Maryland in 1988 and 1992, and for US Senate in Illinois in 2004. He holds a Ph.D. in Government from Harvard and was initially a US Foreign Service Officer and served in the Reagan Administration as US Ambassador to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (1983-85) and Assistant US Secretary of State (1985-87). Since then, he has been involved with a variety of conservative causes and these days maintains his own leadership PAC. He  has maintained friendly ties with the ultra-conservative Constitution Party, but remains a member of the GOP. A group of his supporters are purportedly trying to draft him to run for President again in 2008. However, it should be noted the draft group is operating from a website owned and controlled directly by Keyes. "Alan has assured [his supporters] that he will accept this draft if they can demonstrate that sufficient grassroots support exists to enable (and justify) his candidacy," a Keyes spokesman said in July 2007. Some Constitution Party leaders are hopeful Keyes may seek their nomination if a pro-choice, pro-gay rights nominee like Rudy Giuliani is on the GOP ticket. Related links: HYPERLINK "" (official site & Presidential "draft" site); HYPERLINK "" (Keyes leadership PAC); HYPERLINK ""Keyes Archive (official site); HYPERLINK ""Declaration Foundation (Keyes organization); HYPERLINK ""Declaration Alliance (Keyes organization); HYPERLINK ""Wikipedia: Alan Keyes (online resource); HYPERLINK ""Alan Keyes Skeleton Closet (negative site).

  • And about 46 others who lean republican. None of the rest of them have any serious chance and are running to be able to say they did and to be able to pass along memorabilia and campaign buttons to their children.

Am I wrong? You tell me. Post a comment on the blog and let me know.

Thankx- bigmike
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