The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Just some random thoughts I saw.....Funny stuff man !!!!

Here's a collection of random thoughts I saw the other day.............

What's the difference between a novel and a book?

How old are you before it can be said you died of old age?

If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it?

If you have a cold hot pocket, is it just a pocket?

If humans evolved from monkey's/apes, why are they still here?

Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

Do penguins have knees?

Why is it said that an alarm clock is going off when really its coming on?

How come people tell you not to stand in front of an emergency exit when if
there was an emergency surely you would run through it?

Why did Sally sell seashells on the seashore when you can just pick them up

Why are both of Spongebob's parents round like sea sponges while he is
square like a kitchen sponge?

Does a two-humped camel store more water than a one-humped camel?

If you pamper a cow, do you get spoiled milk?

Why is it that if someone yells "duck" they are helping you, but if they
yell "chicken" they are insulting you?

If the FBI breaks your door down do they have to pay for it?

If you fart and burp at the same time, would it make a vacuum in your tummy?

Why do you put two cents in when its only a penny for your thoughts?

Can you cry underwater?

If an African elephant comes to America, is it an African-American elephant?

Why doesn't flavored gum turn your mouth that color?

Why do we sing "Rock a bye baby" to lull our little ones to sleep when the
song is about putting your baby in a tree and letting the wind crash the
cradle to the ground?

Why do we say we're head over heels when we're happy? Isn't that the way we
normally are?

If the Wicked Witch of the West melts in water... how did she ever bathe?

Why do sleeping pills have warning labels that state :'Caution: May Cause

Do nudists have pin-ups of people with clothes on?

If there's a wheelchair-bound comedian, is it still called "stand-up"?

When the French swear do they say pardon my English?

Do people who use sign language see little hands in their head when they
think about what somebody said, or do they hear the words in their head?

How did Walt Disney figure out how to make people pay to stand in lines all

Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that
something new to eat will have materialized?

Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are
always white?

Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but
check when you say the paint is wet?

Why do they call someone "late" if they died early?

Why are the adjectives 'fast as' and 'slow as' often used in conjunction
with hell, is hell slow or fast?

If the serving size on a can of soda is one can, then why is the serving
size on the little can one can, too? Wouldn't the little cans be 2 cans?

Why is it when your sleeping it's called drool but when your awake its
called spit?

Why does every Abraham Lincoln impersonator sound the same, even though
there are no known audio recordings of the man?

How's come people tell you to stay a kid for as long as you can. Yet the
moment you do anything childish or immature they tell you to grow up.

Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.

If marbles are not made of marble, why are they called marbles?

Could you be a closet claustrophobic?

Could someone be addicted to counseling? If so, how would you treat them?

Where do all the daylight savings hours go?

How does Freddy Kruger wipe his butt?

What would happen if you found a four-leaf-clover under a ladder?

Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that
something new to eat will have materialized?

Why does it say "shake well" on ketchup bottles, but not ketchup packets?

Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?

If mirrors need light to work, what happens if you put night vision goggles
on in the dark and look at a mirror?

if you're on an American airline, and you land in Canada and stay on the
plane, is the drinking age still 21 or does it change to 19?

What happens if every team in the NFL goes 8-8?

What shape is the sky?

If you only have one eye...are you blinking or winking

Why is it called the People's Republic Of China when China's not a republic?



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