The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Monday, June 18, 2007

I subjected myself to Wal mart once again

Ooops, I did it again. I went to wal mart. Big Mistake.
Here's what happened and the letter I wrote to them about it.
****Letter to Wal mart****

I think it is shameful the way your company thinks and acts in relation to customers. From what I see and experience, it seems like you do not want me to shop here, as frequently and from the way the cashier position staffing always goes, you do not want me to buy groceries or come during late night at all.


In the past, I had almost quit shopping at this store because of the sheer aggravation of the overhead microphones and the cranky sullen employees. Since you remodeled this unit, it is quieter and seems to be cleaner however; the service at the door, on the floor and from your supervisors is pathetic and truly substandard. It is insulting and borderline rude.


At the entry door tonight, there is an obviously grumpy older woman who is tired and does not want to be there. No greeting, just a big sigh and some rolled eyes.  The supervisors (if you can call them that) are more interested in locking the doors and gossiping with the cashiers than they are in providing any real meaningful service. Your people on the floors have to be the least customer trained I have ever met. They literally avoid you and avoid eye contact at all costs.


Do not even bother to try to ask a question or you may get the response I did tonight, “Excuse me ma’am where is the automotive department now? “Same place it’s always been” she says without breaking stride, looking my way or even pointing the way and she just walks off.  She just walks off? I am astounded.


I just do not get it.


You people spend big huge bucks to remodel the store, you are going to change the outfits on 1.3 million associates and the single only smile I saw once again tonight is the cashier. No joke, literally everyone else was either bitching or laughing. Do you really think this is going to solve the problem? Your cashier forced a smile, but she smiled. She forced a smile because the line at 10 pm was once again out of control and once again only two check lanes open. A 200,000 square foot building with 40 check lanes and only two are open. This is genius at work.


I cannot understand how you do not have the foresight to direct the labor at customers! The obvious stress in your employee’s faces is incredible. The angry faces on your customers should be a pretty major clue if you ask me.


Finally yet importantly, I am literally almost in the breezeway on my way out of the store and the woman locks the East doors right in front of me. You are going solve the problems in your units and act to stop shrink by doing what? Pissing customers off and getting the crowds down to where your barebones staff can handle it? How does this help security or the theft of goods when the only thing you have at the other end is some a senior citizen or no one at all?  


Tonight I learned you have a staffing crunch and a hiring freeze. I also found out that nobody wants to pay to fix the cart machine. I dodged carts in the lot once again and I found out that even though the store is prettier and cleaner, it is just as ugly on the inside as it has always been.


I did not ask about any of these things, I experienced them first hand.  Ask yourself, Is this how I want my customers treated? I will tell you this, from now on its Kroger for groceries, K-Mart for soft goods, Good Year for automotive and Home depot for household. It may cost a little bit more, but I will not have to put up with your rude staff. I say if you did not want it this way, it would not be this way.


Your executive team could fix many of these kinds of issues just by actually going into a store and being a consumer occasionally.



Check out my new business


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