The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

"Live Free or Die Hard" - My take

My wife and I went and saw this movie last night. In a word- "WOW".
If you like stuff blowing up, gunshots galore, fight scenes that almost never stop, wiseass movie characters, hi-tech futuristic improbable plots, buildings blowing up, interstate highways crashing down, crashing helicopters, jets and trucks.......then you'll like this movie. Well worth the money. Bruce Willis is Bruce Willis. The guy he is protecting (Justin Long, who starred in last summer's slacker comedy "Accepted" but who may be better known from the Apple TV ads in which he regularly appears- You know, the guy who says "I'm a Mac".....) does a good job at playing a computer nerd (go figure) and the movie has almost no intolerable slow spots. Lots of real stunts, and it doesn't rely on CGI (Movie computer tricks) to make it work. I know it has some, because no way did he really throw a car at a helicopter.....
It has a PG rating to appeal to a younger audience meaning lots of gunshot and explosive carnage (resulting in at least 25 people dying) but almost no cursing.
"Yippee Kie Yay Mother F***er" becomes simply "Yippee Kie Yay". Dead don't count but don't let junior hear the "F" word. That's a whole lot of nonsense.
If you don't like this kind of stuff, or if you are genetically predestined to like "girl movies" (you know, plots, crying, talking, substance stories), then this movie will probably piss you off.
On the other hand , my wife who is a BIG HUGE Girl movie watcher, liked it OK. Maybe because I took her?, but nonetheless she said she liked it ok. A girl stamp of approval.
Date night anyone? (Satisfies the need for female public activity and the movie doesn't suck at the same time- What a concept).
Overall B++, worth the money. Don't wait for the DVD, the action plays extremely well on the big screen with a good sound system.
Thankx- bigmike
posted from "The Rant from bigmike" at
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A story from the Oklahoma State University - Daily O'Collegian

This story is published as shown here at
Supreme Court doesn’t care about young people

Breanne Schmidt
Opinion Columnist

It is not often that the Daily O’Collegian runs an obituary, but I think this death calls for one. After all, it is one that touches each and every American.

The First Amendment, 220, was born September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was fathered by James Madison and adopted by the American people as the part of the U.S. Constitution known as the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment protected the freedom of religion, speech, the press, the public’s right to peaceably assemble and citizens’ rights to petition the government. In many ways, it was what set America, “the home of the free,” apart from the rest of the world.

The First Amendment died on June 25, 2007, in the U.S. Supreme Court’s chambers in Washington, D.C.

The First Amendment first fell ill in 1969 at a high school in Des Moines, Iowa. Four years earlier, an anti-Vietnam War organization in Des Moines had its members wear black armbands as a means of peaceful protest. Students John and Mary Beth Tinker were among the supporters and decided to wear their armbands to school.

In a preventative measure, the school banned the armbands, threatening suspension for the noncompliant.

John and Mary Beth went to school, were suspended and later sued the school district.

The case was heard four years later by the Supreme Court, and won landmark victory in the name of students’ rights, according to

The seemingly endangered First Amendment had what appeared to be a miraculous recovery.

Fast forward to 2002, when an 18-year-old Juneau, Alaska, high-school senior Joseph Frederick held up a 14-foot-long banner that read “Bong Hits 4 Jesus,” while standing on a public sidewalk near his high school as classes went to watch the running of the Winter Olympic torch.

Upon seeing the banner, the school’s principal, Deborah Morse, took it down and suspended Frederick. Frederick sued and the case went to the Supreme Court.

It was in the Supreme Court’s chambers Monday that the First Amendment was put out of its misery. I’d like to say it died a dignified death, but I can’t. Simply because it didn’t.

The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Morse’s actions were within her rights as an administrator protecting her students from Frederick’s so-called pro-drug message — even though there was no such intent behind the banner.

Frederick only meant to cause controversy, not actually promote anything illegal. And if he had made a banner with the intent to promote drug use, well, hopefully it would have made more sense than “Bong Hits 4 Jesus.”

Rest in peace, First Amendment. You will be sorely missed.

Perhaps I’m being overly dramatic with the whole thing, but I think the decision is very much a major step backward in the history of free speech and goes great lengths to undo the great good the Tinker case did for the First Amendment and for students.

I might feel the slightest bit better about this decision if more guidelines for interpretations were given. For example, does this extend to the college level? What qualifies as a negative image and merits censorship? Could it possibly give way to other issues, such as sex, sexual orientation and so on?

The Supreme Court’s decision also left holes in the issue.

If the school determines what is or is not offensive, how is fairness guaranteed? If we are to go by the schools’ decisions in both the Tinker and Frederick cases, I’m going to say it’s not. I’d also venture a guess that the Court is setting itself up for at least one repeat case.

But maybe that’s what needs to happen. Perhaps the Court will see the error of its ways.

The Court did try to prevent the complete eradication of students’ rights. A student is immune from punishment if the controversial statement is political in nature. But again, the school decides if it is a political message or just inappropriate. It’s still not entirely fair.

I know many people will read this decision and say, “So what? It doesn’t hurt a lot of people and doesn’t apply once you’re out of school.” To be completely cliché, it’s the principle of the entire ordeal that matters to everyone.

I’ll cite the old saying, “If you give an inch, they’ll take a mile.”

We’ve unfortunately given a good foot of our rights, and the Court has happily taken out another two or three.

Wake up, America. Your rights are being taken away from you. Not only that, they’re being taken, for your protection, by the people who gave you the rights in the first place — for your own protection. This is not OK, people.

The United States prides itself as a prime example of how democracy is supposed to function and is attempting to spread its form of democracy to less-than-cooperative countries across the globe. How dare we make claims of freedom and equality for all if we gradually strip our own citizens — even if just one — of their basic rights?

That would be severe hypocrisy, folks.

I shudder to think what the international community will think of this decision. It certainly sends the clear message that our system is flawed and ineffective and that the self-proclaimed superior Americans can’t handle these freedoms.

And if the best of the best can’t make the system work, who can?

So you see, ladies and gents, this is in no way about one high schooler trying to cause trouble. The ripple effect in this case could have devastating effects not only on our personal freedoms, but also on the United States’ international clout.

So pat yourself on the back, Supreme Court. You have successfully stripped the rights of and isolated an entire generation. And there are more where they came from.

According to constitutional amendments, the supreme law in this country, you must be 18 to enlist in the military and vote and 21 to consume alcohol. Nowhere is it mentioned that any citizen will be denied their First Amendment rights based on age and status of school enrollment. The Court upholding this decision is in itself unconstitutional.

I can find no solution to this problem now that the final decision has been handed down. Anyone else up for Shots 4 Injustice?
**PS- I don't agree with the Liberal press very often, but in this case I think they are about right.



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Monday, June 18, 2007

"True" Friendship and None of that Sissy Crap

"True" Friendship and None of that Sissy Crap


Are you tired of those sissy "friendship" poems that always sound good,

But never actually come close to reality?

Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship.

You will see no cutesy little smiley faces on this card- Just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.


1. When you are sad -- I will help you get drunk and plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you sad.

2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

3. When you smile -- I will know you finally got laid.

4. When you are scared -- I will rag on you about it every chance I get.

5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much Worse it could be until you quit whining.

6. When you are confused -- I will use little words.

7. When you are sick -- Stay the hell away from me until you are well. Again. I don't want whatever you have.

8. When you fall -- I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.

9. This is my oath.... I pledge it to the end. "Why?" you may ask;

"because you are my friend".


Friendship is like peeing your pants,

everyone can see it,

But only you can feel the true warmth.

Send this to 10 of your closest friends, Then get depressed because you can only think of 4.




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I subjected myself to Wal mart once again

Ooops, I did it again. I went to wal mart. Big Mistake.
Here's what happened and the letter I wrote to them about it.
****Letter to Wal mart****

I think it is shameful the way your company thinks and acts in relation to customers. From what I see and experience, it seems like you do not want me to shop here, as frequently and from the way the cashier position staffing always goes, you do not want me to buy groceries or come during late night at all.


In the past, I had almost quit shopping at this store because of the sheer aggravation of the overhead microphones and the cranky sullen employees. Since you remodeled this unit, it is quieter and seems to be cleaner however; the service at the door, on the floor and from your supervisors is pathetic and truly substandard. It is insulting and borderline rude.


At the entry door tonight, there is an obviously grumpy older woman who is tired and does not want to be there. No greeting, just a big sigh and some rolled eyes.  The supervisors (if you can call them that) are more interested in locking the doors and gossiping with the cashiers than they are in providing any real meaningful service. Your people on the floors have to be the least customer trained I have ever met. They literally avoid you and avoid eye contact at all costs.


Do not even bother to try to ask a question or you may get the response I did tonight, “Excuse me ma’am where is the automotive department now? “Same place it’s always been” she says without breaking stride, looking my way or even pointing the way and she just walks off.  She just walks off? I am astounded.


I just do not get it.


You people spend big huge bucks to remodel the store, you are going to change the outfits on 1.3 million associates and the single only smile I saw once again tonight is the cashier. No joke, literally everyone else was either bitching or laughing. Do you really think this is going to solve the problem? Your cashier forced a smile, but she smiled. She forced a smile because the line at 10 pm was once again out of control and once again only two check lanes open. A 200,000 square foot building with 40 check lanes and only two are open. This is genius at work.


I cannot understand how you do not have the foresight to direct the labor at customers! The obvious stress in your employee’s faces is incredible. The angry faces on your customers should be a pretty major clue if you ask me.


Finally yet importantly, I am literally almost in the breezeway on my way out of the store and the woman locks the East doors right in front of me. You are going solve the problems in your units and act to stop shrink by doing what? Pissing customers off and getting the crowds down to where your barebones staff can handle it? How does this help security or the theft of goods when the only thing you have at the other end is some a senior citizen or no one at all?  


Tonight I learned you have a staffing crunch and a hiring freeze. I also found out that nobody wants to pay to fix the cart machine. I dodged carts in the lot once again and I found out that even though the store is prettier and cleaner, it is just as ugly on the inside as it has always been.


I did not ask about any of these things, I experienced them first hand.  Ask yourself, Is this how I want my customers treated? I will tell you this, from now on its Kroger for groceries, K-Mart for soft goods, Good Year for automotive and Home depot for household. It may cost a little bit more, but I will not have to put up with your rude staff. I say if you did not want it this way, it would not be this way.


Your executive team could fix many of these kinds of issues just by actually going into a store and being a consumer occasionally.



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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Blog Update :

Hey Guys !
I've updated my blog and added some new features like a news ticker and other things.
Let me know what you think of the new look.



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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Pop up Porn teacher gets new trial and its about damn time !

Bloggers have helped to force a fresh trial in a case which saw a teacher accused of letting pupils see porn.

I saw this story on the BBC News website and thought you all should see it.

Its all about a substitute teacher (Julie Amero) who's computer in her substitute classroom (she had never been in before this one day or has been in since), went nuts and started popping up "PORN" windows and she didn't know how to stop it (and easily could have been you or me). She was proven at trial to be so unsophisticated with a computer she didn't really even know how to send an email and somehow was convicted anyway. The amazing thing is that the trail judge would not let her use a defense of "computer ineptitude" , and in reversing herself, she basically cites the reason as "judicial ineptitude", because they relied on a stupid cop who told them she had to have done it one purpose.

Essentially , the prosecutors "expert" witness, some cop in the area, threw a bunch of BullSh** at the jury and they believed him. The case was subject to strong criticism by many Bloggers, legal experts and security professionals. The computer security researchers carried out an unpaid forensic examination of the PC at the centre of the case and what they found led them to doubt the version of events put forward by the prosecution. This disparity led to Connecticut ordering new tests at a state forensics lab which backed the volunteers' findings and raised more questions about the reliability of the initial evidence. Local newspapers in Norwich, Connecticut, reported Judge Strackbein saying: "The jury may have relied, at least in part, on that faulty information." Ms Amero's supporters said the old PC lacked a firewall and security software which led many to suggest it had been taken over by Spyware programs that were showing the unwanted pop-ups. The defense lawyer for Ms Amero said that if the evidence found by its cadre of security researchers had been available at the initial trial, she would never have been accused of visiting pornographic sites.

The cop should be charged with perjury. They had the computer and didn't even scan it for Spyware, Adware or Malware or viruses or nothing else and did not even send it to the state crime lab for review. .

Finally the court in this case moves into the 1980's. What a bunch of numb nuts. Have none of these people used a computer lately?

This is what is called a "Rush to judgment", where the state and the prosecutors and the judge were basically looking for the first conviction of a new internet porn law aimed at protecting children.

Thank you Bloggers. You probably saved this woman from a 40 year prison sentence that never should have been prosecuted in the first place.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Just some random thoughts I saw.....Funny stuff man !!!!

Here's a collection of random thoughts I saw the other day.............

What's the difference between a novel and a book?

How old are you before it can be said you died of old age?

If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it?

If you have a cold hot pocket, is it just a pocket?

If humans evolved from monkey's/apes, why are they still here?

Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

Do penguins have knees?

Why is it said that an alarm clock is going off when really its coming on?

How come people tell you not to stand in front of an emergency exit when if
there was an emergency surely you would run through it?

Why did Sally sell seashells on the seashore when you can just pick them up

Why are both of Spongebob's parents round like sea sponges while he is
square like a kitchen sponge?

Does a two-humped camel store more water than a one-humped camel?

If you pamper a cow, do you get spoiled milk?

Why is it that if someone yells "duck" they are helping you, but if they
yell "chicken" they are insulting you?

If the FBI breaks your door down do they have to pay for it?

If you fart and burp at the same time, would it make a vacuum in your tummy?

Why do you put two cents in when its only a penny for your thoughts?

Can you cry underwater?

If an African elephant comes to America, is it an African-American elephant?

Why doesn't flavored gum turn your mouth that color?

Why do we sing "Rock a bye baby" to lull our little ones to sleep when the
song is about putting your baby in a tree and letting the wind crash the
cradle to the ground?

Why do we say we're head over heels when we're happy? Isn't that the way we
normally are?

If the Wicked Witch of the West melts in water... how did she ever bathe?

Why do sleeping pills have warning labels that state :'Caution: May Cause

Do nudists have pin-ups of people with clothes on?

If there's a wheelchair-bound comedian, is it still called "stand-up"?

When the French swear do they say pardon my English?

Do people who use sign language see little hands in their head when they
think about what somebody said, or do they hear the words in their head?

How did Walt Disney figure out how to make people pay to stand in lines all

Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that
something new to eat will have materialized?

Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are
always white?

Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but
check when you say the paint is wet?

Why do they call someone "late" if they died early?

Why are the adjectives 'fast as' and 'slow as' often used in conjunction
with hell, is hell slow or fast?

If the serving size on a can of soda is one can, then why is the serving
size on the little can one can, too? Wouldn't the little cans be 2 cans?

Why is it when your sleeping it's called drool but when your awake its
called spit?

Why does every Abraham Lincoln impersonator sound the same, even though
there are no known audio recordings of the man?

How's come people tell you to stay a kid for as long as you can. Yet the
moment you do anything childish or immature they tell you to grow up.

Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.

If marbles are not made of marble, why are they called marbles?

Could you be a closet claustrophobic?

Could someone be addicted to counseling? If so, how would you treat them?

Where do all the daylight savings hours go?

How does Freddy Kruger wipe his butt?

What would happen if you found a four-leaf-clover under a ladder?

Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that
something new to eat will have materialized?

Why does it say "shake well" on ketchup bottles, but not ketchup packets?

Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?

If mirrors need light to work, what happens if you put night vision goggles
on in the dark and look at a mirror?

if you're on an American airline, and you land in Canada and stay on the
plane, is the drinking age still 21 or does it change to 19?

What happens if every team in the NFL goes 8-8?

What shape is the sky?

If you only have one eye...are you blinking or winking

Why is it called the People's Republic Of China when China's not a republic?



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Monday, June 4, 2007

3d Pong is addicting !!

Click to Play!

Just what a brain needs thats been going all week long.

10 minutes of this and you'll be insane.

Put your high score in the comment section.

Anybody beat 21756 ? (Level8)

`- bigmike

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Educators forgot they are dealing with kids (in the United States of America), no less

Boy am I steamed !!
Nothing gets my ire up faster or more often than a self serving appointed official who starts making rules and enforcing penalties on people for being Americans and acting like it. Last time I looked this was the land of the free and the home of the brave. You know - Good old - Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, American Dream and all that stuff.  The land of freedom of speech and religion and peaceful assembly.
I wrote the following letter to two school officials and their school boards who decided they have somehow been magically granted the authority to withhold high school diplomas from deserving kids who put blood, sweat and tears into 12 years of effort , all kinds of silly pointless testing, and constant triple unnecessary overloads of both homework and fundraising into earning the diplomas for breaking some pointless obscure meaningless "rule" and pissing off some principal. In one case, 5 kids were denied their diplomas because people in the stands made too much noise. That's right, they didn't even commit the offense and they got penalized. Galesburg Illinois. Wonderful little town full of pompous folks who forgot that graduation is full of proud relatives and kids.  In order to receive their Diplomas later they must perform one day of community service.What a bunch of idiots. These people are a bunch of out of touch lunatics.
In the second case, the Frickin' valedictorian had his diploma withheld in Eagleville TN, because he said he would re-write a portion of his speech that the school administration did not like, and when he got up to give his speech he left it in and they turned off his mike and basically booted him off the stage and withheld his diploma. What gives them the right to infringe upon his civil liberties guaranteed in the constitution , because they personally did not like his comment? SO WHAT, BIG FAT HAIRY DEAL, GET OVER IT !  (By the way, the ACLU in Tennessee saw to it he got his awarded the next day with no penalty. Probably the only good thing the ACLU has ever done.) What these numb nuts fail to remember is they are responsible for and are teaching 18 year olds.
They are goofy, opinionated, dress funny and have crappy jobs. they skateboard, raise hell and play rap music too. Your gonna keep the valedictorian 's Diploma? The smartest kid in school ? Gee, I guess the losers who smoked dope in the bathrooms and the jocks who had sex in the gym don't have a chance do they? Boo- Hooh, sucks to be you ....somebody make you mad ! 
PA Announcer - "Thanks for coming everybody, graduation exercises are cancelled because a rule was broken, have a safe trip home. Try again next year"
I'd sued these idiots so fast the paper would have caught fire on its way to the courtroom. Evidently these lowbrow plant eaters don't think any of these things you will find in the US Constitution apply to students or to their rules ! My response to the brain surgeons who did this is below. Boy am I pissed about this !


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****Message *****
Saturday June 2, 2007
Dear Sirs,
I am writing you today in response to the story I read about how one school district (Galesburg High School) has made the incomprehensible and I believe indefensible decision to withhold High School graduation diplomas from some students because of a violation in a policy asking parents and others attending graduation to not cause disruptive behavior etc. In Eaglesville TN, the valedictorian's diploma was withheld over some remarks not redacted as agreed in the graduation remarks speech.
If I were one of these parents I would mortgage my home and my future in order to sue each of you in Federal District Court to make you admit you are both wrong in the worst possible way to be wrong. This is how strongly I believe in what I am about to say.
Your Policies negatively affect every American and is offensive . I for one object to enforcement by withholding diplomas in the most strenuous terms. Without regard to your signed document, your policy, the behavior of parents and others or the desire to have the ceremony attended with dignity, or this kids non redacted speech , policies like these and their enforcement goes against everything this country stands for. One of the primary reason America exists today is because people from other lands wanted to live in a land where they were held accountable for their own actions and only for their own actions and they were accountable only under a systematic procedural and just rule of law.
In this country, as evidenced in the preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America , Americans are guaranteed Justice in regulation by their elected or appointed officials.  The Constitution in the preamble says " WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Your Policies are indefensible in a court of law. Even though you are not Congress and these are not laws, you both are expected to adhere to the principles of this forming document as you make and enforce school policies. Your school rules cannot take fundamental American rights away from free citizens of the United States of America, and if they do they are unenforceable and are unconstitutional. Rules like these are no more valid than one which would make a student culpable of a criminal act committed by another unknown person. Fundamentally they are flawed and are not based on common law, black letter law, the Constitution, any state law in affect in Illinois or Tennessee and in the Illinois case, is not now supported by your State board of Education. You could no more enforce this rule than if you made a rule and had an agreed signed document forcing these kids to become Catholics instead of Baptists. Whoever thought these rules up and then decided upon their formation , language and subsequent enforcement needs a refresher course in American History, specifically the Constitution of the USA.
They are also in direct conflict to several Articles in the Constitution in the Bill of Rights :
  • Amendment I -"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
    • Your rule abridges freedom of speech.
    • Your rule abridges the right to peaceably assemble
  • Amendment V- "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
    • No hearing.
    • No due process.
    • No compensation.
  •  Amendment VI- "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
    • Your rules afford no justice, no due process and are not impartial.
    • There is no hearing.
    • The accused in this case is not afforded the right to hear grievance.
    • No evidence is heard and no witnesses are examined.
  • Amendment VII- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
    • Your rules are both cruel and unusual. Just google "Diplomas withheld" and as of today there are more than 533,000 English only web pages dedicated to this story.
    • It is big news in America and that makes it both cruel and unusual.
Please do the right thing and quickly abandon these policies and any like them and give these kids the diplomas they earned and deserved. This is not what you should be teaching our children. Public embarrassment and international humiliation are the only real after affects of your rules. You probably did not need the civics lesson , however for your edification I have attached a copy of the Constitution for your review.
An American Citizen
(name and address witheld for the blog)