The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Monday, October 10, 2011

So I was wondering if Its just me

Seems like the more we talk about a recovery the longer it takes. If I remember right this has been going on since early 2007 in some sectors and tanked for sure about a month before the election that saw Obama swept into office. So under two Presidents, three different Congress's and getting ready to be three election cycles, nothing much has changed has it?

Lets see.

  • Banks are still foreclosing on people and charging stupid outrageous fees to use our money right ? 
  • Jobs are still headed over seas and no one is hiring except Fast Food restaurants ?
  • Unemployment is still "Officially" over 10 %, reality is closer to 20 % right ?
  • We still have a war going in Afghanistan and whatever you call that mess in Iraq right ?
  • We are still TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in debt right ?
  • Bankruptcies are at an all time high still , right ?
  • Advertising dollars are still lower than they have been in years right ?
  • Meaningless statistics are still being touted as a useful measure of the Economy right ? (Housing starts for one)
  • Wholesale prices have began to rise triggering Inflation in  some very important sectors including coffee , Right ?
  • Oil prices are still high, Auto sales are still low and not much over last year if at all, right ?
  • We are still fighting about the "debt ceiling" (14.9 trillion dollars) right ?
  • Access to credit is still tight , right ? Most credit cards are close to 20 % on average, even though large banks borrow money at close to 0 % right ?

OK, so I am obviously confused.
What is it that is better ?