The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Response to the Statement From the Family of Osama bin Laden Published: May 10, 2011

In a statement published by the family of Osama Bin Laden on May 10th, 2011, specifically by Omar Ossama Binladin and his brothers, they say they are not convinced that Osama Bin Laden (“OBL”) is dead. They are seeking conclusive evidence that OBL is dead by seeking to obtain pictures and videos made by the Special Ops soldiers after the raid of his compound.


Read the whole statement here : Bin Laden Family Statement or Google it here :


They go on to assert several things, not specifically copied here, but such as:

·         He was an unarmed man

·         He should have been arrested and tried in a court of law.

·         They assert he was assassinated contrary to US Law.

·         That he had a right of the presumption of innocence, until proven guilty in a court of law.

·         And other such assertions.


They were also concerned that their family was denied rights due to a Muslim man, by burying his body at sea, saying, in effect that his family was denied due process under American Law, and they want the operation investigated under International Law. They go on to say they did not agree with the ways of their father but also did not agree with the way his death was handled either as well as several other more salient political points I’ll not cover here.


My Response to that statement (Call it “An American Response”):


·         First and Foremost. BITE ME, EAT ME AND BOO- FRIGGIN – HOO !!.

·         Second - Your “father” was a cold blooded scum sucking worthless murdering bastard who killed more than 3, 000 people on September 11, 2001 in attacks he masterminded in the USA. He got way better treatment than he deserved and received much better treatment at the hands of our soldiers and politicians than he would have received had you dropped him off in any regular American neighborhood for disposition. Trust me.

·         He provided his own proof of Guilt by taking credit for the attacks in video after video and in several audio tapes. Guilt and Innocence was not at stake here.

·         He is and was a mass murderer and deserved to be treated worse than he was treated when he was killed in the raid by the US Navy Seals.

·         He and his kind somehow find it to be natural and normal to kill innocent men, women and children in their zeal to follow their so called religion.

·         To date he is one of the largest killers of Muslims that the world has ever known, and he has killed more Muslims than any other group. They have killed Thousands upon thousands of innocent men, women and children all over the world in more Muslim countries than anywhere else.

·         Muslims do not support the wacko extremists and they don’t care what happened to this serial killer. We don’t care either.

·         They demand special treatment and demand accommodation for their so called religion; however they show no mercy and no allowance for any who do not believe as they do.

·         As to his specific burial treatment:

1.    He received better burial treatment than anyone who died in Pennsylvania did.

2.    He received better burial treatment than any of the 17 sailors who died on the USS Cole did.

3.    He certainly got more humane treatment and a better burial ceremony than he deserved and much better than the Thousands of men, women, children, Police officers and Fire Fighters did when the buildings fell on them in New York City received.

4.    He got better treatment than the people who were injured and killed in the two preceding attacks on the World Trade Center’s did in the 90’s

5.    I am certain the 200 people who died in the attacks of our embassies in Nairobi Kenya and the more than 5,000 people he injured would agree that he got better treatment than they did.

6.    I’ll bet if you could ask anyone who died in the Pentagon, whether the burial practice we observed for his death was gracious enough under international law and Muslim tradition, I’ll bet all of them would agree it was way better than the bath of flaming jet fuel and flying airliner parts that they got on that crisp fall morning.

7.    The world hasn’t really heard one peep from you people concerning this man or his methods or how they buried others as they carried out their atrocious attacks. Where were you when Sept 11 happened? What about when he killed more than 200 in Bali in October 2001 or more than 50 in Istanbul in November 2003 ?



There have been more than 15 documented attacks worldwide since September 11th, 2001 and we haven’t heard a single word from you people!


Where have you people been while everybody else was bleeding and dying? Once it’s all over you come crawling out of the woodwork like cockroaches and you expect us to give a rats ass what you think ? Be Serious for a second. Then go lay down and play Johnny go F**k yourself.


America doesn’t give a damn what you want.


We couldn’t care less what you demand.


He’s dead and that is a good thing.


Get over it.


Thankx for reading my rant ! 




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