The Preamble to the Constitution
Monday, May 16, 2011
No More Fourth Ammendment to the Constitution -Say bye bye
This really pisses me off !!
Indiana Supreme Court Guts the 4th Amendment
What a bunch of (expletive deleted) nonsense, bull crap and hooey. According to this decision by the Indiana Supreme Court, there is no 4th Amendment protection prohibiting illegal search and seizure. It only applies after the fact, once they have already torn up your house, beat you down into submission, torn up your car, handcuffed your sorry butt and thrown you in jail, waited 2 years to see a lawyer (a public defender), and if you are lucky got some liberal law organization like the ACLU involved and interested enough to file the paperwork needed to fight it, then and only then do you have any possibility of having the past 2 years erased. Oops, our bad, you can go home now.
Since this will in no way affect any person who can actually afford a lawyer (read "the rich and famous"), you better believe beatings of the Homeless, the Jobless , the Low Income, the Blue class and the stupid will increase immediately.
OK, maybe I am being a tad dramatic, but the point is that this is stupid.
Next thing you know this will be the form you get in the mail after they broke down your front door , only to discover it was the wrong house.
Are they serious ? Have they read the Constitution ? I mean our countries copy ?
The Constitution language says (regarding the 4th Amendment) : ARTICLE [IV.] The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
The Indiana Supreme Court today decided that : INDIANAPOLIS
Overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna Carta of 1215, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Hoosiers have no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes.
First - Hogwash, Bull Spit and Balderdash, I say Balderdash..
Second - They didn't even need to make a ruling here, which I'm betting will be challenged and over turned anyway. The case in question gave them probable cause, they could have just declined to hear the appeal and nothing would have changed.
Third- This is what is meant by "Activist Judges", where they change settled frigging law from the bench. In affect, writing their own laws, overturning those they don't like.
This is settled law from the year 1215 and they think it should be overturned. I don't even CARE what the merits of the case were, this is settled law. You need either a warrant or probable cause. Now they are saying , nah you don't need a warrant. If we were wrong , sue us later. Have a nice day. Sorry bout your luck !!
What the Hell ?
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Gasoline Prices ? WTF?
In the 70's we had gas lines going down the street and around the block because Gas was supposedly in short supply, OPEC was going to cut off the flow of Gas into this country and the price was skyrocketing from 33 cents a gallon to 75 cents a gallon (or something like that , hell I don't exactly remember either). I was employed at a gas station as a pump attendant at the time and can remember coming to work and being amazed at how long the lines were and how long people waited, willingly or not, to put gas in their car. People were evil, E-V-I-L, concerning how long they waited, what the prices were and whether or not we are going to run out of gas. Gas stations made more money that summer, than ever before.
Also, at the same time, the industry and our gas station switched dramatically. Gone was the dingy interior of the station with its one vending machine, full of crap only the teenagers who worked there liked anyway. Gone were the 6 gas attendants plus the manager who would run to your car, turn on the pump, pump your gas, check your oil, wash your windows and in extreme cases, check your tire pressure for you. Gone were the pumps that has to be turned on and reset with the special key so more gas could be pumped. Gone were all the jobs they harassed us to get done every day, week and month like scrubbing the outside restrooms, painting the pump islands, buffing the office floor, hosing down the parking lot and cleaning the windows.
In its place, within 60 days of the gas lines of the 70's came the "Self-Service" station. 60 days ago I would talk to you at your car window. Now you could barely hear the muffled voice through the speaker of the Fat guy on the stool in the building, behind the locked door. Yesterday I would take your money, put it on my roll, put the rubber band back on it and put it back in my shirt pocket. Now you had to haul your butt outta your car, come up to the window and "Pay before you pumped." We were scared sh**less of the wrath of the buying public for a period of time.
Back then, to put it bluntly, PEOPLE WERE PISSED !!
Fast forward to today.
Since 2000, the price of gas has went from $1.35 to $4.00 (or more depending upon where you live) and no one has said a thing about it. It has risen over $1.00 a gallon in the past year and we haven't said jack!!
Here is the crappy BS full of horse turds explanation we always hear from the big oil compaies when somebody wakes up from their budweiser marijuana cocaine buzz long enough to realize we are paying too much for this product once again. "( they want an answer now, No it can't wait,Yes you have to say something to get them to go away....Ok here -) Oh, ahh, ummm, clearing throat, You see the uh, um, price of gas has been um, affected by pressure put on the available supply by an increase in the consumption of gas in China and because of the ummm (what's the word I am looking for ....OH wait I got it !) uncertainty of the continued availability of Gasoline from the middle East, as well as by production shortages caused by planned maintenence being performed at several refineries."
Are you buying these horse turds? Gimme a break.
If it had anything to do with supply and demand, then the price you pay would be dependant upon the cost of obtaining it and making it. We haven't built a new refinery with any substantial capacity in this country in more than 25 years. The price goes up way too high, and then settles back into place .50-.75 cents above where it was before the rise began and you want us to believe it has anything to do with the cost of producing fuel and nothing to do with manufactured pricing and big oil greed? Gas is stockpiled in several places in the US in various sectors for as much as a year. Yet , magically, the price on the street at every station is just about the same everywhere you go. It is not Supply and Demand as they would have you believe. It is however , Gouge and Exploit. Mostly because we believe this stupid crap.
Take a look at this . Basic Information about Gasoline this site will talk all about how the government and the EPA sees the issue. It doesn't say a thing about why pricing goes up and then settles back down (always) above where it started.
The problem is that every one of their reasons for why the price is up is bogus. Every single one of them.
Take a look at this : No Tension ? Big Supply glut ? Ooopsie !!
What do you think?
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Yay! The new TV season is being announced this week !!
Sigh. I should be sitting in the front room right now, like many of you, trying to figure out what to watch, if I didn't have a brain at all and couldn't entertain myself that is.
I have observations : (Check out
Television production networks spend millions and millions of dollars every year trying to figure out how to have the best shows on television. None of them are ever successful for more than 4-5 years and then somebody figures out that some other type of show is better. Next thing you know, everybody is schlock-ing along making the next batch of TV goo for us to watch.
Its pathetic. First there was one good cop , forensic drama and then next thing you know there is 35 of them. What do ya think is going to happen to your content when you start boring me to death with something. You think that makes me want to watch more of it ?
The people who make decisions about TV shows really have no clue why those of us who were watching their crap aren't watching it any more. They are listening to all the wrong people for one. I'll bet none of them has went outside their comfort zones and asked real people questions in a dozen years or more. The reason why is they have been sold the lie about "Research" and statistics that have to do with demographics (age related analysis) and marketability, and sustainability. Problem is that has little to do with engaging content.
All these metrics tell you is that you figured out how to catch our attention for a few minutes in a virtual ocean of choices , and hardly any of your decision making has to do with content. How well you market a show has more to do with whether or not I'll give it a shot than the content does, as I have no idea what you are talking about before I watch it a few times. If I was able to "innately understand the characters" as I heard one of you idiots say this week, why bother marketing it? I can see it now "Hop on Pop - The TV Series".
The people who make TV shows have to bend to the will of dozens of other people in order to get a show on the air. It is a wonder anything ever gets made at all. (Network Exec - "Put a woman in it!! It has to sell product to women !! Flunky TV producer - "But sir Its a Gay prison drama!! ) Its one stupid decision, one cancellation and one more craze after another and real, thoughtful content or real funny content is never given a chance. If it doesn't sell to marketing folks who push their schlocky ads in the precious few minutes that there is in a show to tell the story line to begin with,then zip zam zowie am swoosh , its gone and to hell with it and good riddance. Until that is they start recycling the crap, over and over and over....
Marketing Folks , in turn have absolutely no clue what people like, they only know what we don't turn off. The whole entire TV industry is built around the concept of ratings, which is actually a system that measure the fact that "We didn't turn your crap off, we turned somebody Else's crap off." Is it any wonder we find other things to do ?
I'd just as soon hit my fingers with a hammer than watch some of the absolute crap you people put on and seriously think somebody will watch it. I'd much rather pay my best friend to tighten my testicles in a vice than to watch some of the tripe that you call "TV". "Medium", "V", "Outsourced" ? Seriously? This is the best you could come up with ? How about this. Whenever you have nothing but a snoozer loser to put on, first , send the producers back to the drawing board and tell them "This crap is not good enough". Then instead of subjecting us all to more of your choices made while on cocaine, put up a re-run of the best shows you ever made in the last ten years until they come up with something better.
We don't watch your crap because of a lot of reasons like maybe ; it is too narrowly focused (like on 8-13 year olds - like Hannah Montana), has too many themes going at once (a friendship/romance/action movie) or maybe, wait for it, because it was crap!
Really, there are hundreds of choices and you put a snoozer cheesy show up , nobody watches it and you think the answer is to spend less money, on worse shows, with lower budgets and this fixes the problem ? Jersey Shore is the frigging answer? Top Dog Chef of China next on the Food network. The food network ? Oooh, shows are too expensive to make , so if they are too expensive, we can't charge as much for marketing, which means the show has to cost less to make, which after all cheapens the show and its content, which means you are gonna stop watching it and you are gonna do it all over again with another batch of shows next year !!
You people are absolutely 100 % no kidding bat-shit crazy. Is Gary Busey is in charge of the TV Industry ?
I love the way they all sit around and moan about the loss of the attention span of the average viewer. Oh what a wad of baloney !! If only it were true.
See here is the problem. They all say they recognize that it is 1969 anymore and everybody all say they know that Wally and the Beav aren't plunked down in front of a 3 channel television anymore and that the landscape has changed dramatically. Then everything they do , regardless of what they say, is more of the same old hashed out tore up liquid logic from 1979.
Here are some truths they would be good to get in touch with :
- We have more options now than we ever had before. When TV was a 3 channel deal, if we don't like what Dad was watching, playing outside on the step with a stick in the dirt was about the only option. How else do you explain playing cards clothes pinned to bicycle spokes ? or shooting each other in the eye with BB guns?
- Now if your crappy show sucks, we can watch another TV in the house, probably a flat screen TV to boot. Or if we have a blue ray player or a DVD player (or even a CD or VCR) we can watch recorded content or make our own content and bore everybody else with it. Can you say YouTube? Or maybe if it is one of your kids they can yammer on the phone for hours or send text messages to 10 people at once. While they are driving. On their way to the library.
- We also have phones that deliver content that is not as good as a TV, but the way TV has been going that ain't saying much.
- Everybody has computers and i-Crap, and MP4G players and all the other cute little made up names for new gadgets. Oh and our phones, they are cameras, they play videos, they take pictures, they have Internet access, and when all else fails they have face book access as well. Angry Birds for cryin out loud, Angry Birds !!
- Did I say Facebook? Ooh I'm selling cheesecake in my new shop and i need a baking pan can you get one for me. Jesus H. Christ on a crutch !!
- We could watch out home theatre if we don't want to go to the movies (and apparently we don't like this activity anymore either), and there is all the various streaming content providers like Hula, Netflix, Flixter, etc. BTW-psssst If you didn't know, Sell your Blockbuster stock.
- Normal options apply, we just can't go very far at $5 a gallon. So yeah, a road trip is in, but not more than 5 miles or so. The small percentage of us who don't spend all our leisure time stoned, drunk or naked have to do something to keep from going crazy trying to find something to watch in the wasteland of TV programming.
- Did I say Porn ? There is more instant porn available today than ever before and its just getting bigger. Yes Mr. TV man you compete with porn. Get over it. If you didn't it wouldn't keep growing while all your stuff is dying. Well honey, there's nothing on TV, I'm going upstairs !!
- Two Words. Massive Multi-player. go to google and look up MMORPG. - nuff said.
- ....and saving the best for last - VIDEO GAMES of all kinds , but especially online game communities. Toasty !! Finish Him !! COD Black Ops ! Halo, friggin Halo !!
So keep your head in the sand and keep thinking if you just make one more reality show or one more schlocky cheezey gag me with a spoon sitcom that everything will get better. While you are doing that Netflix and Nintendo and Sony are getting rich watching you sit on your sorry asses.
Did I say that out loud ?
Thankx for reading my Rant
- BigMike
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Response to the Statement From the Family of Osama bin Laden Published: May 10, 2011
In a statement published by the family of Osama Bin Laden on May 10th, 2011, specifically by Omar Ossama Binladin and his brothers, they say they are not convinced that Osama Bin Laden (“OBL”) is dead. They are seeking conclusive evidence that OBL is dead by seeking to obtain pictures and videos made by the Special Ops soldiers after the raid of his compound.
Read the whole statement here : Bin Laden Family Statement or Google it here :
They go on to assert several things, not specifically copied here, but such as:
· He was an unarmed man
· He should have been arrested and tried in a court of law.
· They assert he was assassinated contrary to US Law.
· That he had a right of the presumption of innocence, until proven guilty in a court of law.
· And other such assertions.
They were also concerned that their family was denied rights due to a Muslim man, by burying his body at sea, saying, in effect that his family was denied due process under American Law, and they want the operation investigated under International Law. They go on to say they did not agree with the ways of their father but also did not agree with the way his death was handled either as well as several other more salient political points I’ll not cover here.
My Response to that statement (Call it “An American Response”):
· First and Foremost. BITE ME, EAT ME AND BOO- FRIGGIN – HOO !!.
· Second - Your “father” was a cold blooded scum sucking worthless murdering bastard who killed more than 3, 000 people on September 11, 2001 in attacks he masterminded in the USA. He got way better treatment than he deserved and received much better treatment at the hands of our soldiers and politicians than he would have received had you dropped him off in any regular American neighborhood for disposition. Trust me.
· He provided his own proof of Guilt by taking credit for the attacks in video after video and in several audio tapes. Guilt and Innocence was not at stake here.
· He is and was a mass murderer and deserved to be treated worse than he was treated when he was killed in the raid by the US Navy Seals.
· He and his kind somehow find it to be natural and normal to kill innocent men, women and children in their zeal to follow their so called religion.
· To date he is one of the largest killers of Muslims that the world has ever known, and he has killed more Muslims than any other group. They have killed Thousands upon thousands of innocent men, women and children all over the world in more Muslim countries than anywhere else.
· Muslims do not support the wacko extremists and they don’t care what happened to this serial killer. We don’t care either.
· They demand special treatment and demand accommodation for their so called religion; however they show no mercy and no allowance for any who do not believe as they do.
· As to his specific burial treatment:
1. He received better burial treatment than anyone who died in Pennsylvania did.
2. He received better burial treatment than any of the 17 sailors who died on the USS Cole did.
3. He certainly got more humane treatment and a better burial ceremony than he deserved and much better than the Thousands of men, women, children, Police officers and Fire Fighters did when the buildings fell on them in New York City received.
4. He got better treatment than the people who were injured and killed in the two preceding attacks on the World Trade Center’s did in the 90’s
5. I am certain the 200 people who died in the attacks of our embassies in Nairobi Kenya and the more than 5,000 people he injured would agree that he got better treatment than they did.
6. I’ll bet if you could ask anyone who died in the Pentagon, whether the burial practice we observed for his death was gracious enough under international law and Muslim tradition, I’ll bet all of them would agree it was way better than the bath of flaming jet fuel and flying airliner parts that they got on that crisp fall morning.
7. The world hasn’t really heard one peep from you people concerning this man or his methods or how they buried others as they carried out their atrocious attacks. Where were you when Sept 11 happened? What about when he killed more than 200 in Bali in October 2001 or more than 50 in Istanbul in November 2003 ?
There have been more than 15 documented attacks worldwide since September 11th, 2001 and we haven’t heard a single word from you people!
Where have you people been while everybody else was bleeding and dying? Once it’s all over you come crawling out of the woodwork like cockroaches and you expect us to give a rats ass what you think ? Be Serious for a second. Then go lay down and play Johnny go F**k yourself.
America doesn’t give a damn what you want.
We couldn’t care less what you demand.
He’s dead and that is a good thing.
Get over it.
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Monday, May 2, 2011
Spreading the stupidity
Only in America drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
Only in America people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke.
Only in America banks leave vault doors open and then chain the pens to the counters.
Only in America we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.
Only in America we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.
Only in America they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering.
Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?
Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed?
Why don't you ever see the headline 'Psychic Wins Lottery'?
Why is 'abbreviated' such a long word?
Why is it that doctors call what they do 'practice'?
Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?
Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
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