The problem is this country is not a country so much as it is a land mass controlled by the largest personality cult in the world, along with the worlds 4th largest army that we know virtually nothing about how it actually runs or how its citizens will react if war breaks out.
There is a documentary I saw recently with Lisa Lin-(sic), (maybe Frontline? or Nova?) , that followed an eye doctor to North Korea while he operated on patients there for cataracts. There were patients there who had not been able to see for more than 20 years and needed surgery to correct their vision. In the "western" world , the surgery they needed was pretty much routine. Advanced equipment and medicines have made this the type of surgery pretty much routine, and one that doctors can be trained to do in a week or so and have an amazing success rate at making people being able to see again.
In North Korea it is so isolated from the so called "Western " world (read modern influence and free thought) that the doctors there didn't even know how to turn on the machines, let alone use them. More than 1000 people were operated by a western trained doctor and and in almost all of them their sight was restored. The medical part of the story was a pretty happy ending. I was perplexed by the sub-current exposed by the show however.
My point to make here, is that in order to see the relevance to my opening statement, you have to understand the patients reaction when their bandages were removed and their sight was restored.
Were they thankful ? Were they happy ? Did they express gratitude? The answer is yes they all did. Every last one of them expressed extreme thanks and heartfelt gratitude. But not to the doctor who made it possible for them to see. They all went directly to the nearest picture of the dictator and professed their thanks to him for giving their sight back. They cried and wept and said thanks to the "Dear Leader" for giving them the opportunity to see.
Not one patient thanked the doctor. It never even dawned on them to do so. In their eyes, the Dear Leader made it possible and it was only through his will that they were even allowed to be a patient.
This is how their entire country operates at every level. Pictures of the Dear Leader are everywhere, everybody in the country thinks he is a god, and they are all extremely afraid of what happens to themselves and every one of their family members if they get seen or are overheard being critical of the Dear leader or the government.
He is another Hitler. There are concentration camps where every generation of a family are sent to be worked to death if even one person in the family is suspected of being opposed to the leadership. If One person defects , everybody pays. Babies, old people, critically ill, whatever , it doesn't matter. Everybody pays for the "sins" of one person. We've known about these camps for years and have done nothing. We don't even talk about it. North Korea kills hundreds of their own citizens annually for suspected crimes. They cause the death of hundreds of thousands through their policies and we do not do anything except stand on the sidelines and wring our hands.
Is it any wonder then that with a certified madman at the helm that they would shell an island to get our attention? This country cannot be treated like a country. It is a very large version of the Jamestown cult and the nuttiest versions of David Koresh from Waco Texas and Jim Jones combined are at the helm. It is ruled by Odd Job from Goldfinger and Dr. No, with a little Dr. Mengele thrown in for good measure.
Is it any news at all that this lunatic who would cause the death of millions of his own people to stay in power by refusing aid from anywhere except China , in order to control the thoughts of his folks? That he would enforce a famine on his entire population just to control a political message no matter how many people died? Does it surprise anybody that we can't get through to this guy using any modern methodology at all? That we have to resort to yelling memos through a bullhorn at the DMZ , in order to make sure they can at least here what we have to say?
And we want to treat this guy normally ?
Its a damn good thing I am not President. I wouldn't be in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting wars I can't win.
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