The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hey Obama - Voters are not stupid !

Ok, finally something real and something substantial from the Obama campaign. (Lets capsulate what has happened so far.) 
He (Obama) and his family belongs to this church for about 20 years. The pastor ( Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who served as the pastor at the Chicago church where the Illinois senator was a member for 20 years), married Obama and his wife and baptized his 2 children, The title of one of Obama’s books, “The Audacity of Hope,” came from a Wright sermon. Obama has denounced Wright's comments and the pastor stepped down from his role as spiritual adviser to the Obama campaign. The pastor has said that blacks should say "God damn America" because we are a "country and a culture controlled by rich white people," and that the U.S. brought 9/11 on itself because of its foreign policy. Obama then likened him to an "old uncle." He (Obama) says that the pastor was his spiritual advisor and not his political adviser. Then he says that he never heard this type of rhetoric while he was a member of the church. Says he disagrees with most if not all of what the pastor has said. Previously, Obama has sought to distance himself from Wright's comments by chiding him as "an uncle you don't always agree with." But Friday's repudiation was reminiscent of one he made after Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, known for making anti-Semitic and racist comments, declared his support. Now, Pastor retires, disappears from the campaign (and he was involved) references to him are erased from Obama campaign materials and his website. Now comes damage control, Obama is going to give a speech and basically says that this is a distraction and is not his views. Lets move on blah blah blah.
Fine. OK. Swell. Great. Terrific. Wonderful. Outstanding. Un-frickin-believable.
Excuse me , but I have questions? :
  • Could you remain a member of a church where this was the talk of the day on any given Sunday? Many stories are now emerging that seem to say the type of rhetoric that the good reverend has attributed to him is mostly standard fare and is typical of the sermons delivered by him . He is branded as "fiery" by some.
  • Would anyone who did not agree with this stuff sit there week after week listening to it?  Does anyone believe he (Obama) never heard this stuff as he now claims or was it just expedient to attend this church and no thought was given to how the good pastors comments would play out once released for public consumption? I wonder what happens next if we see video of Obama sitting in the church while the pastor is preaching this stuff? Will he say he may have been there but he was asleep at the time? Or that he was craving a cigarette so badly he didn't hear it?
  • Would you let this guy perform your marriage ceremony or baptize your children?
  • Obama says there is no place in his campaign for race baiting. No race card to play.
  • Obama has repudiated Wright’s statements and removed him from his spiritual advisory council. “Truth is that this is somebody who has been a pastor for 40 years he's said some very offensive remarks I have denounced, he's now in the process of retirement," Obama said. "I had not heard him say those things, I was not in attendance.” He added that he doesn’t “want to continue to kick [the pastor] when he's down. My feeling is to go forward and the church family continues to be welcoming.”
    • Lets play a little game shall we? Sit back and put yourself in Obama's shoes. Close your eyes. Let your mind wander. Mull over the following scenario. You are running for President of the United States,  the most powerful position on the planet. Your pastor , in your church that you attended says a bunch of silly nonsense like this guy. Huge controversy swells. Damage control is in full swing. PR Machines are cranked up and blowing bullsh** at full blast. Can you imagine it? He has said that the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks are retribution for U.S. foreign policy, cited the U.S. government as the source of the AIDS virus, and railed against a racist America and he has said said that blacks should say "God damn America" because we are a "country and a culture controlled by rich white people," You attended the church where he was the pastor for 20 years. The basic math says there potentially could have been more than a thousand Sundays where he delivered sermons with this kind of crap or worse in it. More and more of your time and energy is being devoted to answering questions about this guy. Can you see this in your minds eye? The pressure is building and the damage is getting more severe. You are strategizing about how to get out from under this truckload of crap now being dumped on you by this association.
    • Still got your eyes closed? Ask your self this one honest question? What does this look like to the average American ?
    • Now imagine one more thing. You are white . Now what does it look like? I know what it smells like.
Truth be told (and I don't expect it from politicians -Hello Bill) - This has been all about race from the start.
Closet underground back door type that's shrouded in the semantics and sermons and speeches called change, but race just the same.
They just cannot admit it. CBS News ought to attend a few black churches before they beat Obama up over this guys remarks. There is a whole lot of real reasons we should not vote for this guy.
Lets start with judgment.
Having this guy as your preacher shows great judgment doesn't it?
Thankx- bigmike
posted from "The Rant from bigmike" at
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