The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

I hate the crawl !!!!!

I was trying to watch a TV program the other day and got really aggravated to the point where I could have strangled the talking head who was talking. For those of you who know me, that may not seem like much of s stretch, but I digress.
Not to belittle the seriousness of the story, I just hate the way news is presented now. Remember the latest story about the kids toys being recalled? Something called Aqua-dots or some similar name being recalled because the beads were coated in some mysterious chemical that if ingested made the kids sick? As anyone who has ever had kids will tell you, small children eat everything. They are worse than dogs that will eat their own poop. Kids under the age of four will put everything in their mouths. They taste the world. These beads had the chemical that is called the "Date Rape Drug -GHB" on their exteriors. It made me think "What idiot designed these toys?".
Here's one article on the subject.
Here's the thing.
In trying to watch this story, they had the talking head on one side of the screen, bullet points on the other and a crawl going at the bottom along with some logos, artwork and borders and crap going along the bottom. You ever tried to pay attention to all that junk all at once? Not to mention that the crawl was about completely different things most of the time. This story is about beads, the crawl is about a veto vote in the senate. AAARRRGGGHHH !!!
And then it struck me....
Its no wonder no one watches TV news anymore and thinks "The Daily Show" is a better source of news. These idiots are giving me ADHD trying to keep up with the stuff on the screen and hear the story at the same time. I'm going back and forth mesmerized by the talk, the points and crawl trying to make sense of it all when all of a sudden I lose it and start yelling at the screen to slow down the crawl, cause I can't keep up. Its early evening, the rest of the house is quiet, I'm yelling at the TV like its Super Bowl Sunday and getting frothy at the mouth, "Slow down the crawl dammit !", "What did that say , 62 % of Americans think Daylight is needed?", What ? , then my wife steps around the corner with a genuine look of concern on her face and says "Honey?, you all right?" She said I looked up wild eyed and pissed off and said something unintelligible.
Ever since 9-11, the news executives, in their infinite college educated drug induced porno addicted wisdom , think it is necessary and prudent to add as much information to the screen as possible and treat the TV screen like real estate and carve it up into small sections , all available to highest bidders in their attempts to reach us with their message of trivia, drivel, despair, and doom. Don't we don't have enough of their synaptic exciting, coma inducing, seizure making MTV edits to try to keep up with now?. I think it must be similar to having electro shock therapy. I guess if I was a News TV exec , and my mind was cluttered with trying to figure out how to sell reality TV to the public while doing massive amounts of CRACK and thinking up ways to mentally masturbate in public places,  it might make some sense. Maybe. I think I would have to be doing Acid, and be sleep deprived as well to understand the convoluted twisted ways these people think.
Otherwise, here is what I think needs to be done.
  1. Get rid of the crawl, unless the story is of major concern to most Americans.
  2. If you have to crawl, make the crawl only about the story you are watching.
  3. For any TV exec who argues otherwise, strap them in a chair, restrain them physically and then mechanically keep their eyelids open like they did in "Clockwork Orange" and play 72 hours of their own programming back to them non stop with as much information on the screens as humanly possible to fit on the average TV.
If that doesn't change their minds, then they are crazy , certifiably mentally disturbed and they are better suited for a career in Marketing or Politics.
Thankx- bigmike
posted from "The Rant from bigmike" at
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