I was looking at HYPERLINK http://www.google.com http://www.google.com news a few minutes ago.
I can't believe this is what is called "TOP NEWS" stories right now.
In order these are the top 5 stories in the US section.
It drives me crazy that they think we are this stupid. No wonder nobody gives a crap about this stuff anymore.
Check this out….
- HYPERLINK "http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-070829craig,0,7998893.story?coll=chi_mezz"Two GOP senators call for Idaho Sen. Larry Craig's resignation
Who cares about this guy? Does anybody even know who he is?
- HYPERLINK "http://today.reuters.com/investing/FinanceArticle.aspx?type=bondsNews&storyID=2007-08-29T141428Z_01_N28299025_RTRIDST_0_USA-IMMIGRATION-FEATURE.XML"FEATURE-US immigrants worry as families face deportation
Illegal aliens. In the country by breaking the law. If I went to Mexico without a Visa, they would throw my butt under the jail.
- HYPERLINK "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/29/AR2007082900391.html?hpid=sec-nation"Abu Ghraib Officer Is Reprimanded
Not the commanding General.
Not the Pentagon supervisor. Not the commander of the guards.
Just a low ass Lt. Colonel , Steve Jordan (no relation) and he is the only officer ever charged in this mess.
The real story is who did not get charged. No reporting on that though.
HYPERLINK "http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/30/us/politics/30bundler.html?ref=politics"Clinton Donor Under a Cloud in Fraud Case
So? I cannot think of a reason to care about this.
HYPERLINK "http://cbs4.com/topstories/local_story_241113519.html"Karl Rove's Car Targeted By Pranksters
Give me a break
Not one of these so called "TOP NEWS" stories is actually a concern to the average American.
Who thinks up this crap (defecation, or as my son would say" …..Bovine defecation!!!) anyhow?
Thankx- bigmike
posted from "The Rant from bigmike" at
HYPERLINK http://bigmikerant.blogspot.com/ http://bigmikerant.blogspot.com/
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