The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

The 1051 pound pig story - Hogzilla the sequel !

I wrote this letter to the kid from Alabama who recently shot and killed the 1051 pound pig. The internet is full of stories about this kid and true to the conspiracy theorists everywhere all kinds of crap has been written about him.

For reference just go look at and,2933,276386,00.html

He has gotten a lot of press (good and bad) from serious critics and kooks alike. His name is Jamison Stone and is 11 years old. ( hmmmm.... google search "" 82 English pages on the internet about him.

He has a web site where you can see the pictures and read some of the comments (supportive and just downright stupid ones) at Most notably there is a kind of "kook storm" brewing about whether the pictures are fake or not. Easy to tell they are real if you just look at them. One ding dong named Rhonda Shearer of tries to create a story out of nothing and make a name for herself on the back of this kid. She is supposed to be a responsible adult and should be ashamed for fanning the fires of this no brainer no controversy story. Was it Dire Straits or the stray cats who had the song ..."something for nothing"... Anyway the letter below is one I authored in support of this kid and sent to him at ''. Feel free to send him and email of support and tell him bigmike sent you.

I just could not let a story like this one go by without putting my two cents in the batch. Feel free to add your two cents as well.



I've read the negative and positive comments made about and to you about your hunt and kill of the 1051 pound pig. Post my comments (without the email address please) on the positive side. I have three things to say to you.

First- Let me congratulate you on your courage to stand and shoot during what had to have been a very scary moment in time. I can't imagine the sensations you must have felt and what was going through your mind being in the woods and seeing any animal (including one this extraordinarily large) within range of your pistol. You must have been very close, at least close enough to fell it with pistol shots. I do not think there are many people on the face of this earth that could have done what you have accomplished. Most I suspect (including me probably) would have ran the other way or hidden to stay out of personal danger. Take that message to mean that you have proven to yourself that you have the gumption and the guts to face down hard times and to stand tall in the face of danger. Many grown men I know would not handle such a situation as well as you did. You have a right to be proud. Remember that when one of these sissies writes you another misspelled redneck hating email.

Second - I cannot understand the hate mail you have received. I think it is best to describe it as abject stupidity. For folks who are writing to you to tell you some of the things they have written just shows how little they actually understand about the world they live in. Kids hunt, Kids fish, Some skateboard and so forth. They should just get over it. From where you live , I would suspect that a lot of people your age deer hunt. I just don't follow their logic. They preach tolerance for all living beings, about how we should be good stewards of the animals and then in the same breath say some of the most nasty things I've ever read anywhere to an eleven year old, wish all kinds of mayhem upon you and your family and they sign off the email with "God Bless"?. Screwy. Abe Lincoln once said " No man ever got lost on a straight road". Good advice if you ask me. There is no figuring out stupidity sometimes.

Third - Consider the source and the context of their comments. As I read them (mostly the negative comments), I think the people wrote these things are brain damaged or may need to be on life support right now. I cannot imagine they have any useful contribution to make when the logic of their arguments is so faulty. They hide behind the internet and say nasty stupid disrespectful and hateful things , and then want to be taken seriously as they profess to have an honest opinion on your accomplishment. Personally I think if you are committed to your ideals and passionate about what you do, I can respect your choices. You want to be a vegetarian?, Go for it. You are against hunting and want to not use a rifle, and substitute a camera in its place, I'm all for you. Go ahead and use one piece of toilet paper and eat your veggie burger if you want to, nobody is stopping you. You can't have it both ways however disingenuous as it may sound. While they wish you a fiery eternity in one breath, just remember that God will not excuse them from the nature of their comments because they said God Bless when they ended their tirade. Warping the word of God to fit within the tiny context they have scribbled out doesn't make them right, It just exposes their ignorance. The same idiots who write trash like this probably ate at Taco Bell or KFC yesterday. You see, it doesn't really matter the size of the animal in this context. I wonder if their arguments and vehemence are as ludicrous when they have a barbeque in their own back yard? Did one of these numb nuts say these kind of nasty hateful things to their grandfather on the fourth of July while they were wolfing down hotdogs? I wonder if they wished their own mother to die when she served fried chicken on Sunday ? The logic they use is circular and make no sense if you ask me.

Personally, If I were your father, I would let you read all the comments posted here as you have proven you have the will to understand what is written in the context it is given.

As the comedian Ron White said " You can't fix stupid".



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