The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


The following list (by no means inclusive) recently made all the headlines .

My question is simple, yet has a couple of moving parts

A ) Why do we think this is newsworthy?
B) Why do we pay attention to this crap?



Top Ten Decidedly unnewsworthy made up worthless news we are bombarded with daily.

  1. Madonna goes on tour again. " Has Beens in Paradise tour 06?"(Who cares?)
  2. OJ sells a book and does an interview. "I didn't do it , I was at the movies honest." (Who cares?)
  3. FOX cancels the book and the interview. Burns the book. " I know nothing, nothing."(Who cares?)
  4. Michael Jackson performs at a music show (or doesn't) again - "King of Pedo-Pop flops?" (Who cares?)
  5. Madonna adopts a baby -yawn- (Who Cares?) Repeat offender. See #1.
  6. Tom Cruise gets married to whats her name.- Her claim to fame is showing her breasts in a movie. WHICH ONE YOU ASK? I DON'T KNOW BECAUSE I DON'T CARE !(Couldn't care less)
  7. Brittney is splitney. Files for divorce from Joe no talent. Hope the home movie does real well for her though. text to K-Fed- "K-fed. Bred. Fled. Red. Over.-Brit" (Big friggin whoopee)
  8. Katie Couric can't think of her own send off for her nightly news show. How about "I'm Katie Couric and this was the news, Goodbye". Give this a try, I bet it works. (Whatever)
  9. Anything Paris Hilton does, did or will do. Ever. Or for that matter anything anyone ever says to her or does to her on videotape.(Pointless to care)- I wouldn't take the time to visist this Paris for ten minutes , much less a whole night. I hear Siskel and Ebert gave her movie a thumbs up though because even though the plot was real weak and the dialogue sucked, the cinematogrophy was pretty good when the lights were off and you couldn't see her face.
  10. Anything some stupid celebrity says- i.e-Mel Gibson, Michael Richards (Kramer), Lindsay Lohan, et al- Just because they make money in buckets I should care? (Here's a clue - I don't)

And actually, come to think about it, nobody I have ever met has ever cared about this crap.

Every bit of it is manufactured to give us something to watch on the electronic activity director.

Maybe some dissaffected loser who is high on crack or crank or meth who only has a black and white TV , 2 jello donuts and nothing else to do cares about this crap, But I gotta tell you, I can't believe normal people with normal problems do at all.

I'd love to talk more about it but I gotta go, Jerry Springer is on, and my neighbors are on todays show. (It's all about how the pets divorced the owners and they are now on Jerry telling him how they (two male dogs) were forced to participate in disgusting immoral acts, cause thats how the masters liked it.

This is gonna be good.