“Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts. “- Daniel Patrick Moynihan
I am overweight and white. I am handicapped and I am in my 50’s. I am a male. I don’t speak for fat, gimpy, white, male 50 year olds everywhere. I am not the spokesman for my race. I have a concealed gun carry permit, am not a member of the NRA and occasionally do carry a handgun but I don’t profess to speak for any other gun owners. In the last 6 elections I have voted both Democrat and Republican. I am liberal and I am Conservative depending upon the candidate and the issue. I don’t represent a political affiliation or a party view.
I have 2 questions about the Zimmerman-Martin conflict/trial/outcome (The events, death, fight, shooting, the trial and the verdict)
Almost everyone I have talked to thinks this was a case sort of described as “about a grown adult attacking and shooting a tiny 13 year old kid who was outweighed by over 100 lbs"
Did you see the following reporting in the mainstream media anywhere –printed, video or verbal on the Radio, TV or online or in Newspapers?
(Hint – It’s a trick question, as this a small, miniscule tip off to the information iceberg that wasn’t reported because it wasn’t convenient and it wasn’t ratings or subscriber worthy.) (PS “This” and the “It” , I use are made to refer to the inconsistencies, lies, distortions, speeches, and manipulations presented in the media concerning this story. There are literally millions of resources available to tell this story and a very high majority of them got it wrong on a lot of factual levels.)For the life of me I cannot understand the reaction of Leonard Pitts Jr (Nationally Syndicated Columnist for the Miami Herald and a Pulitzer Prize winner), beyond the attachment to the story because of his racial makeup. I read everything he wrote and have to say, I am confused if he used facts or assumption or made it up as he went along in order to write his articles and response to the act and the trial.
If he is responsible for black response and portrays it “accurately” then let’s see….
Was “it” reported in the Wall Street Journal or even the National Enquirer?
-NOOOO You also didn’t see it in the bottom of a bird cage and it wasn’t on Men in Black either.
Was “it” Seen on NBC, CBS, and ABC, CNN, FOX News or anywhere else for that matter?
-Hell NO, you are joking right?
“It” Definitely was not pushed, prodded and promoted by the Rev's Sharpton, Jackson or Farrakhan (You may know them as the official spokesmen for Black Americans everywhere.)
Was “it” Reported in the New York Times, or in the LA Times or the NY POST?-Noooo I don’t think so.
Was “it” reported in the Wall Street Journal or even the National Enquirer?
-NOOOO You also didn’t see it in the bottom of a bird cage and it wasn’t on Men in Black either.
Was “it” Seen on NBC, CBS, and ABC, CNN, FOX News or anywhere else for that matter?
-Hell NO, you are joking right?
“It” Definitely was not pushed, prodded and promoted by the Rev's Sharpton, Jackson or Farrakhan (You may know them as the official spokesmen for Black Americans everywhere.)
They said this was a lynching somewhat like the killing of Emmitt Till. (That reference pissed me off and I am lily white!)
What a bunch of morons. You would think the public Big 3 in charge of Black response would at least know the history. This is the whole problem with the way this story was presented by our so called "journalists". This is what is wrong with politics, and is exactly why you, as you read this, don't really give a rat’s ass about it at all. It’s called the NIMBY affect. Doesn’t affect me, I don’t care. As long as it’s NOT IN MY BACK YARD. I cannot understand why people are not pissed off and vocal about this 12 month LIE!
What is “it” you say, well,
Take a look at this video –
And then take a few minutes and read this article (link below).
The link below is one of the only discussions I have seen thus far that addresses the factual elements.Everybody else got “it” wrong and some are still getting “it” wrong as you read this.
I’m not trying to change your mind; as a matter of fact you can think whatever you want, you can support Jesse Jackson and his idiocy, it’s OK with me. The facts would be nice, but whatever. It won't change anyone's mind about what happened, however at least the framework of your thought process will be surrounded by facts instead of by sound bites, vapid talking head stupidity and racial bigotry from all sides. No one will respond to this in a positive manner. I get that. Go ahead and spew your racial filth and gripe all you want. I don't care too much about your nonsense, because the facts don't change because you don't like them. Every one wishes it would go away. I get that too. This is a very tough subject to think about intellectually. Easier to spew racial epithets and say stupid crap that doesn't have any bearing on the facts.
Anyone who has an opinion about the trial should read this. Factually almost 100 % of what you heard about the night this kid was shot was incorrectly reported, the facts were wrong and distorted or plain wrong on a lot of levels and mostly by the mainstream media.
ALMOST Every major news outlet reported the facts WRONG and really NO ONE has corrected their bad reporting. Almost everyone I have talked to thinks this was a case sort of described as “about a grown adult attacking and shooting a tiny 13 year old kid who was outweighed by over 100 lbs". Even the picture his parents are using to defend the kid is almost 4 years old. I don't blame them and I hope they find peace, but look at the facts. Just once, make up your own mind.
As the author of the article said "It's sad that this case has become polluted with politics, racial grievances and wild speculation in the media because the evidence in this case overwhelmingly suggests that it should be considered a tragedy, not a crime."
I’m a gun owner. I carry a pistol sometimes. Given the ACTUAL facts, I might have shot him too. Everyone who in any official act who caused the Sanford Police Chief to lose his job for not charging Zimmerman should be charged with malfeasance and breach of public trust. Who should be prosecuted here are the politicians. President Obama should be ashamed of supporting this thug.
We are a bunch of stupid, stupid people.
I understand his parent’s motivation however.
Their actions are thus far the only ones that make sense and I get.
I hope they find peace.
Thankx for reading my Rant.