The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Political Junk!

Here's the part I don't understand.We been changing Republican candidates like they are underwear.It's making me a little crazy trying to keep up with it.

Well anyway this is crazy. One candidate is making fun of another. One of them is crying space and the fruitcake. Ron Paul thinks he is a viable candidate . I don't get it.Are we supposed to take any of these clowns seriously. The woman is a goofball. The pizza guy cannot keep it in his pants,one of them has a half $1 million credit line at Tiffany's,the other one created Obama care. He says he's a conservative,and were supposed to vote for him even though he doesn't believe in the same God that every body else believes in.

Newt Gingrich space says he's not good do negative political attack ads. However, all of his competition who are also Republican conservative politicians are spending all their time beating en up on each other. And then when all this is over. We are supposed to forget everything they've said and just focus on the candidate that is the last one left standing. It makes me nuts. It's no wonder the average American will not pay attention to politics and more. How can they? Space you can't take him serious. Space Herman Cain Herman Cain never met a brassiere that he couldn't tame. I told you it's making me loop. When is it going to stop?

I found out today that we had a Republican candidate that dropped out of the race and is now a Libertarian candidate, and I did not even know he was in the race. I used to be a student of politics loved it. I couldn't get enough. I would read about it all day, research it, blog about it, write about it, talk about it, e-mail about it, and generally pontificate until I can watch the eyes on the people that I was talking to start to roll back into their head as the drool come out of their mouth ever so gently and start to leak down their lips.

Now, not so much. I mean think about it was I supposed to vote for Bob Dole? Al Gore? John Kerry? John McCain? Sarah Palin (you have to be kidding right?) . People sit around and weep about how George W. Bush got elected, and the best they can do. Are these dried-up idiots or millionaires that think they deserve a shot at the presidency because they been there longer than anybody else.I'm a Republican.

I just want Obama to go. I don't think he has been good for America. I don't think he was qualified to be the president in the first place. He had no work experience, he had no life experience , he was an unknown state legislator,whose claim to fame was he married a good-looking woman and he had a law degree. He had also written a couple books.I'm still waiting to be impressed. Jimmy Carter has wrote way more than a dozen books and he was still a terrible president. He was a pretty good writer, though.

The point is, just because you're good public speaker that doesn't mean you're qualified to be someone that can make decisions of this magnitude. There are people that believe very strongly space that he was the right man for the job at the right time in history. I am proud of America for having the guts to stand up and say his race did not matter. Space I wish they also would've said "his race didn't matter because he was not qualified for the job. " But we were so head over heels in love with the guy space that we could see our way to the end of the election without destiny getting in the way.

I felt sort of the same way about Hillary Rodham Clinton. My objection to her was not because of her experience level, because I think she would've made a better president than Obama. My objection to her was because I think she's as crooked as her husband was. And I can never forget her famous vast right wing conspiracy speech,where she stood by her husband and blame the vast right wing conspiracy for this mere allegations in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Although if my choice was either Hillary or Obama, I think I would've picked Hillary even though I don't like her. She had at least been exposed to the operations of the White House and understood it and had been a politician most of her adult life. Space I never understood and still do not understand what people see space in the presidency of Barack Obama.

I will tell. I know people don't always agree with me and that's okay. You don't have to. Space we can agree just to disagree. I'm okay with that.

Let's take a little time this election cycle and may be asked to candidates are real important question. What qualifies you to be president. I still have not heard that one answered and I haven't been real impressed with any of the candidates. I have seen so far ..

Thank you for reading my rant.
 Dictated with Dragon NaturallySpeaking space version 11.5
Big Mike